Used by tuple bindings to write tuple data.
This class has many methods that have the same signatures as methods in the {@link} interface. The reason this class does notimplement {@link} is because it would break the interfacecontract for those methods because of data format differences.
Signed numbers are stored in the buffer in MSB (most significant byte first) order with their sign bit (high-order bit) inverted to cause negative numbers to be sorted first when comparing values as unsigned byte arrays, as done in a database. Unsigned numbers, including characters, are stored in MSB order with no change to their sign bit.
Strings and character arrays are stored either as a fixed length array of unicode characters, where the length must be known by the application, or as a null-terminated UTF byte array.
Floats and doubles are stored in standard integer-bit representation and are therefore not ordered by numeric value.
@author Mark Hayes