Package com.salesforce.phoenix.util

Examples of com.salesforce.phoenix.util.ReadOnlyProps

            config.set(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
        // Without making a copy of the configuration we cons up, we lose some of our properties
        // on the server side during testing.
        this.config = HBaseConfiguration.create(config);
        this.props = new ReadOnlyProps(this.config.iterator());
        try {
            this.connection = HBaseFactoryProvider.getHConnectionFactory().createConnection(this.config);
        } catch (ZooKeeperConnectionException e) {
            throw new SQLExceptionInfo.Builder(SQLExceptionCode.CANNOT_ESTABLISH_CONNECTION)
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        final MutationCode code = result.getMutationCode();
        switch(code) {
            final ReadOnlyProps props = this.getProps();
            final boolean dropMetadata = props.getBoolean(DROP_METADATA_ATTRIB, DEFAULT_DROP_METADATA);
            if (dropMetadata) {
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        final MutationCode code = result.getMutationCode();
        switch(code) {
            final ReadOnlyProps props = this.getProps();
            final boolean dropMetadata = props.getBoolean(DROP_METADATA_ATTRIB, DEFAULT_DROP_METADATA);
            if (dropMetadata) {
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        } else {
            Map<String, String> existingProps = services.getProps().asMap();
            Map<String, String> tmpAugmentedProps = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(existingProps.size() + info.size());
            final ReadOnlyProps augmentedProps = new ReadOnlyProps(tmpAugmentedProps);
   = new DelegateConnectionQueryServices(services) {
                public ReadOnlyProps getProps() {
                    return augmentedProps;
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    public static void doSetup() throws Exception {
        Map<String,String> props = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(1);
        // Override date format so we don't have a bunch of zeros
        props.put(QueryServices.DATE_FORMAT_ATTRIB, "yyyy-MM-dd");
        // Must update config before starting server
        startServer(getUrl(), new ReadOnlyProps(props.entrySet().iterator()));
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    public List<PeekingResultIterator> getIterators() throws SQLException {
        boolean success = false;
        final ConnectionQueryServices services = context.getConnection().getQueryServices();
        ReadOnlyProps props = services.getProps();
        int numSplits = splits.size();
        List<PeekingResultIterator> iterators = new ArrayList<PeekingResultIterator>(numSplits);
        List<Pair<byte[],Future<PeekingResultIterator>>> futures = new ArrayList<Pair<byte[],Future<PeekingResultIterator>>>(numSplits);
        final UUID scanId = UUID.randomUUID();
        try {
            ExecutorService executor = services.getExecutor();
            for (KeyRange split : splits) {
                final Scan splitScan = new Scan(this.context.getScan());
                // Intersect with existing start/stop key if the table is salted
                // If not salted, we've already intersected it. If salted, we need
                // to wait until now to intersect, as we're running parallel scans
                // on all the possible regions here.
                if (tableRef.getTable().getBucketNum() != null) {
                    KeyRange minMaxRange = context.getMinMaxRange();
                    if (minMaxRange != null) {
                        // Add salt byte based on current split, as minMaxRange won't have it
                        minMaxRange = SaltingUtil.addSaltByte(split.getLowerRange(), minMaxRange);
                        split = split.intersect(minMaxRange);
                if (ScanUtil.intersectScanRange(splitScan, split.getLowerRange(), split.getUpperRange(), this.context.getScanRanges().useSkipScanFilter())) {
                    // Delay the swapping of start/stop row until row so we don't muck with the intersect logic
                    Future<PeekingResultIterator> future =
                        executor.submit(new JobCallable<PeekingResultIterator>() {

                        public PeekingResultIterator call() throws Exception {
                            // TODO: different HTableInterfaces for each thread or the same is better?
                          long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                            ResultIterator scanner = new TableResultIterator(context, tableRef, splitScan);
                            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                              logger.debug("Id: " + scanId + ", Time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms, Scan: " + splitScan);
                            return iteratorFactory.newIterator(scanner);

                         * Defines the grouping for round robin behavior.  All threads spawned to process
                         * this scan will be grouped together and time sliced with other simultaneously
                         * executing parallel scans.
                        public Object getJobId() {
                            return ParallelIterators.this;
                    futures.add(new Pair<byte[],Future<PeekingResultIterator>>(split.getLowerRange(),future));

            int timeoutMs = props.getInt(QueryServices.THREAD_TIMEOUT_MS_ATTRIB, DEFAULT_THREAD_TIMEOUT_MS);
            final int factor = ScanUtil.isReversed(this.context.getScan()) ? -1 : 1;
            // Sort futures by row key so that we have a predicatble order we're getting rows back for scans.
            // We're going to wait here until they're finished anyway and this makes testing much easier.
            Collections.sort(futures, new Comparator<Pair<byte[],Future<PeekingResultIterator>>>() {
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    protected DefaultParallelIteratorRegionSplitter(StatementContext context, TableRef table, HintNode hintNode) {
        this.context = context;
        this.tableRef = table;
        ReadOnlyProps props = context.getConnection().getQueryServices().getProps();
        this.targetConcurrency = props.getInt(QueryServices.TARGET_QUERY_CONCURRENCY_ATTRIB,
        this.maxConcurrency = props.getInt(QueryServices.MAX_QUERY_CONCURRENCY_ATTRIB,
        Preconditions.checkArgument(targetConcurrency >= 1, "Invalid target concurrency: " + targetConcurrency);
        Preconditions.checkArgument(maxConcurrency >= targetConcurrency , "Invalid max concurrency: " + maxConcurrency);
        this.maxIntraRegionParallelization = hintNode.hasHint(Hint.NO_INTRA_REGION_PARALLELIZATION) ? 1 : props.getInt(QueryServices.MAX_INTRA_REGION_PARALLELIZATION_ATTRIB,
        Preconditions.checkArgument(maxIntraRegionParallelization >= 1 , "Invalid max intra region parallelization: " + maxIntraRegionParallelization);
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     * @param connection
     * @param mutations the list of mutations that will be sent in a batch to server
     * @param indexMetaDataByteLength length in bytes of the index metadata cache
    public static boolean useIndexMetadataCache(PhoenixConnection connection, List<Mutation> mutations, int indexMetaDataByteLength) {
        ReadOnlyProps props = connection.getQueryServices().getProps();
        return (indexMetaDataByteLength > ServerCacheClient.UUID_LENGTH && mutations.size() > threshold);
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        int threadTimeOutMS = config.getInt(THREAD_TIMEOUT_MS_ATTRIB, DEFAULT_THREAD_TIMEOUT_MS);
        int hbaseRPCTimeOut = config.getInt(HConstants.HBASE_RPC_TIMEOUT_KEY, HConstants.DEFAULT_HBASE_RPC_TIMEOUT);
        if (threadTimeOutMS > hbaseRPCTimeOut) {
            config.setInt(HConstants.HBASE_RPC_TIMEOUT_KEY, threadTimeOutMS);
        return new ReadOnlyProps(config.iterator());
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        props.put(IndexWriterUtils.HTABLE_THREAD_KEY, Integer.toString(100));
        // Make a small batch size to test multiple calls to reserve sequences
        props.put(QueryServices.SEQUENCE_CACHE_SIZE_ATTRIB, Long.toString(BATCH_SIZE));
        // Must update config before starting server
        startServer(getUrl(), new ReadOnlyProps(props.entrySet().iterator()));
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Related Classes of com.salesforce.phoenix.util.ReadOnlyProps

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