public List<TableRef> getTables() {
return Collections.singletonList(tableRef);
public ColumnRef resolveColumn(String schemaName, String tableName, String colName) throws SQLException {
PColumn column = tableName != null
? tableRef.getTable().getColumnFamily(tableName).getColumn(colName)
: tableRef.getTable().getColumn(colName);
return new ColumnRef(tableRef, column.getPosition());
StatementContext context = new StatementContext(new PhoenixStatement(connection), resolver, Collections.<Object>emptyList(), scan);
ScanUtil.setTimeRange(scan, timestamp);
if (emptyCF != null) {
scan.setAttribute(UngroupedAggregateRegionObserver.EMPTY_CF, emptyCF);
ServerCache cache = null;
try {
if (deleteList != null) {
if (deleteList.isEmpty()) {
scan.setAttribute(UngroupedAggregateRegionObserver.DELETE_AGG, QueryConstants.TRUE);
// In the case of a row deletion, add index metadata so mutable secondary indexing works
ImmutableBytesWritable ptr = context.getTempPtr();
if (ptr.getLength() > 0) {
IndexMetaDataCacheClient client = new IndexMetaDataCacheClient(connection, tableRef);
cache = client.addIndexMetadataCache(context.getScanRanges(), ptr);
byte[] uuidValue = cache.getId();
scan.setAttribute(PhoenixIndexCodec.INDEX_UUID, uuidValue);
} else {
// In the case of the empty key value column family changing, do not send the index
// metadata, as we're currently managing this from the client. It's possible for the
// data empty column family to stay the same, while the index empty column family
// changes.
PColumn column = deleteList.get(0);
if (emptyCF == null) {
scan.addColumn(column.getFamilyName().getBytes(), column.getName().getBytes());
scan.setAttribute(UngroupedAggregateRegionObserver.DELETE_CF, column.getFamilyName().getBytes());
scan.setAttribute(UngroupedAggregateRegionObserver.DELETE_CQ, column.getName().getBytes());
List<byte[]> columnFamilies = Lists.newArrayListWithExpectedSize(tableRef.getTable().getColumnFamilies().size());
if (projectCF == null) {
for (PColumnFamily family : tableRef.getTable().getColumnFamilies()) {