Package com.salesforce.phoenix.query

Examples of com.salesforce.phoenix.query.StatsManager

    protected List<KeyRange> genKeyRanges(List<HRegionLocation> regions) {
        if (regions.isEmpty()) {
            return Collections.emptyList();
        StatsManager statsManager = context.getConnection().getQueryServices().getStatsManager();
        // the splits are computed as follows:
        // let's suppose:
        // t = target concurrency
        // m = max concurrency
        // r = the number of regions we need to scan
        // if r >= t:
        //    scan using regional boundaries
        // elif r > t/2:
        //    split each region in s splits such that:
        //    s = max(x) where s * x < m
        // else:
        //    split each region in s splits such that:
        //    s = max(x) where s * x < t
        // The idea is to align splits with region boundaries. If rows are not evenly
        // distributed across regions, using this scheme compensates for regions that
        // have more rows than others, by applying tighter splits and therefore spawning
        // off more scans over the overloaded regions.
        int splitsPerRegion = regions.size() >= targetConcurrency ? 1 : (regions.size() > targetConcurrency / 2 ? maxConcurrency : targetConcurrency) / regions.size();
        splitsPerRegion = Math.min(splitsPerRegion, maxIntraRegionParallelization);
        // Create a multi-map of ServerName to List<KeyRange> which we'll use to round robin from to ensure
        // that we keep each region server busy for each query.
        ListMultimap<HRegionLocation,KeyRange> keyRangesPerRegion = ArrayListMultimap.create(regions.size(),regions.size() * splitsPerRegion);;
        if (splitsPerRegion == 1) {
            for (HRegionLocation region : regions) {
                keyRangesPerRegion.put(region, ParallelIterators.TO_KEY_RANGE.apply(region));
        } else {
            // Maintain bucket for each server and then returns KeyRanges in round-robin
            // order to ensure all servers are utilized.
            for (HRegionLocation region : regions) {
                byte[] startKey = region.getRegionInfo().getStartKey();
                byte[] stopKey = region.getRegionInfo().getEndKey();
                boolean lowerUnbound = Bytes.compareTo(startKey, HConstants.EMPTY_START_ROW) == 0;
                boolean upperUnbound = Bytes.compareTo(stopKey, HConstants.EMPTY_END_ROW) == 0;
                 * If lower/upper unbound, get the min/max key from the stats manager.
                 * We use this as the boundary to split on, but we still use the empty
                 * byte as the boundary in the actual scan (in case our stats are out
                 * of date).
                if (lowerUnbound) {
                    startKey = statsManager.getMinKey(tableRef);
                    if (startKey == null) {
                if (upperUnbound) {
                    stopKey = statsManager.getMaxKey(tableRef);
                    if (stopKey == null) {
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        long waitTime = 5000;
        ManualTimeKeeper timeKeeper = new ManualTimeKeeper();
        ConnectionQueryServices services = driver.getConnectionQueryServices(getUrl(), TEST_PROPERTIES);
        StatsManager stats = new StatsManagerImpl(services, updateFreq, maxAge, timeKeeper);
        MinKeyChange minKeyChange = new MinKeyChange(stats, table);
        MaxKeyChange maxKeyChange = new MaxKeyChange(stats, table);
        byte[] minKey = stats.getMinKey(table);
        assertTrue(minKey == null);
        assertArrayEquals(KMIN, stats.getMinKey(table));
        assertArrayEquals(KMAX, stats.getMaxKey(table));
        minKeyChange = new MinKeyChange(stats, table);
        url = PHOENIX_JDBC_URL + ";" + PhoenixRuntime.CURRENT_SCN_ATTRIB + "=" + ts+2;
        props = new Properties(TEST_PROPERTIES);
        conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, props);
        PreparedStatement delStmt = conn.prepareStatement("delete from " + STABLE_NAME + " where id=?");
        delStmt.setString(1, new String(KMIN));
        PreparedStatement upsertStmt = conn.prepareStatement("upsert into " + STABLE_NAME + " VALUES (?, ?)");
        upsertStmt.setString(1, new String(KMIN2));
        upsertStmt.setInt(2, 1);

        assertFalse(waitForAsyncChange(minKeyChange,waitTime)); // Stats won't change until they're attempted to be retrieved again
        timeKeeper.setCurrentTimeMillis(timeKeeper.currentTimeMillis() + updateFreq);
        minKeyChange = new MinKeyChange(stats, table); // Will kick off change, but will upate asynchronously
        assertArrayEquals(KMIN, minKeyChange.value);
        assertArrayEquals(KMIN2, stats.getMinKey(table));
        assertArrayEquals(KMAX, stats.getMaxKey(table));
        minKeyChange = new MinKeyChange(stats, table);
        timeKeeper.setCurrentTimeMillis(timeKeeper.currentTimeMillis() + maxAge);
        minKeyChange = new MinKeyChange(stats, table); // Will kick off change, but will upate asynchronously
        assertTrue(null == minKeyChange.value);
        assertArrayEquals(KMIN2, stats.getMinKey(table));
        assertArrayEquals(KMAX, stats.getMaxKey(table));
        maxKeyChange = new MaxKeyChange(stats, table);
        delStmt.setString(1, new String(KMAX));
        upsertStmt.setString(1, new String(KMAX2));
        upsertStmt.setInt(2, 1);

        assertFalse(waitForAsyncChange(maxKeyChange,waitTime)); // Stats won't change until they're attempted to be retrieved again
        timeKeeper.setCurrentTimeMillis(timeKeeper.currentTimeMillis() + updateFreq);
        maxKeyChange = new MaxKeyChange(stats, table); // Will kick off change, but will upate asynchronously
        assertArrayEquals(KMAX, maxKeyChange.value);
        assertArrayEquals(KMAX2, stats.getMaxKey(table));
        assertArrayEquals(KMIN2, stats.getMinKey(table));
        maxKeyChange = new MaxKeyChange(stats, table);
        timeKeeper.setCurrentTimeMillis(timeKeeper.currentTimeMillis() + maxAge);
        maxKeyChange = new MaxKeyChange(stats, table); // Will kick off change, but will upate asynchronously
        assertTrue(null == maxKeyChange.value);
        assertArrayEquals(KMIN2, stats.getMinKey(table));
        assertArrayEquals(KMAX2, stats.getMaxKey(table));
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Related Classes of com.salesforce.phoenix.query.StatsManager

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