// do the lookup for the given column
ColumnReference col = new ColumnReference(fam, qual);
// check that the value is there
Pair<Scanner, IndexUpdate> p = table.getIndexedColumnsTableState(Arrays.asList(col));
Scanner s = p.getFirst();
// make sure it read the table the one time
assertEquals("Didn't get the stored keyvalue!", storedKv, s.next());
// on the second lookup it shouldn't access the underlying table again - the cached columns
// should know they are done
p = table.getIndexedColumnsTableState(Arrays.asList(col));
s = p.getFirst();
assertEquals("Lost already loaded update!", storedKv, s.next());
Mockito.verify(env, Mockito.times(1)).getRegion();
Mockito.verify(region, Mockito.times(1)).getScanner(Mockito.any(Scan.class));