int rowsProcessed = 0;
assertNotNull("Error reading " + readBatchSize + " rows", readRowList);
while(readRowList.size() > 0) {
// sort the row list so that it comes out in the right order.
// for the update, the order is reversed.
Collections.sort(readRowList, new AccountRowComparator(!isInsert));"Verifying database success for next " + (rowsProcessed + readRowList.size()) + " rows");
for (int i=0; i < readRowList.size(); i++) {
Row readRow = readRowList.get(i);
assertNotNull("Error reading data row #" + i + ": the row shouldn't be null", readRow);
assertTrue("Error reading data row #" + i + ": the row shouldn't be empty", readRow.size() > 0);