assertEquals("Invalid testing configuration", numberOfRows, rowOffset + numFailures + numSuccesses);
TimeZone TZ = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
DateConverter converter = new DateConverter(TZ, false);
//find the csv file
Map<String, String> argumentMap = getTestConfig(OperationInfo.insert, getTestDataDir()
+ "/timeZoneFormatTestingWithErrors.csv", false);
argumentMap.put(Config.LOAD_ROW_TO_START_AT, rowOffset.toString());
// insert into the account on the custom fields specified
Controller controller = runProcessWithErrors(argumentMap, numSuccesses, numFailures);
verifyErrors(controller, "Error converting value to correct data type: Failed to parse date: ");
SObject[] returnedAccounts = retrieveAccounts(controller, dateField);
// TODO this verification shouldn't be here necessarily. move it to DateProcessTest
for (SObject acct : returnedAccounts) {
String dateString = (String)acct.getField(dateField);
Calendar calFromString = (Calendar)converter.convert(null, dateString);
assertEquals("Day field does not match", targetDate, calFromString.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));