Package com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.loader.model

Examples of com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.loader.model.LocalDeclarationContainer

            // make sure it still knows it's a local
            return null;

        LocalDeclarationContainer methodDecl = null;
        // we get a @LocalContainer annotation for local interfaces
        if(localContainerAnnotation != null){
            methodDecl = (LocalDeclarationContainer) findLocalContainerFromAnnotationAndSetCompanionClass(pkg, (Interface) declaration, localContainerAnnotation);
            // all the other cases stay where they belong
            MethodMirror method = classMirror.getEnclosingMethod();
            if(method == null)
                return null;
            // see where that method belongs
            ClassMirror enclosingClass = method.getEnclosingClass();
                // this gives us the method in which the anonymous class is, which should be the one we're looking for
                method = enclosingClass.getEnclosingMethod();
                if(method == null)
                    return null;
                // and the method's containing class
                enclosingClass = method.getEnclosingClass();
            // if we are in a setter class, the attribute is declared in the getter class, so look for its declaration there
            TypeMirror getterClass = (TypeMirror) getAnnotationValue(enclosingClass, CEYLON_SETTER_ANNOTATION, "getterClass");
            boolean isSetter = false;
            // we use void.class as default value
            if(getterClass != null && !getterClass.isPrimitive()){
                enclosingClass = getterClass.getDeclaredClass();
                isSetter = true;
            String javaClassName = enclosingClass.getQualifiedName();
            // make sure we don't go looking in companion classes
                javaClassName = javaClassName.substring(0, javaClassName.length() - 5);
            // find the enclosing declaration
            Declaration enclosingClassDeclaration = convertToDeclaration(pkg.getModule(), javaClassName, DeclarationType.TYPE);
            if(enclosingClassDeclaration instanceof ClassOrInterface){
                ClassOrInterface containerDecl = (ClassOrInterface) enclosingClassDeclaration;
                // now find the method's declaration
                // FIXME: find the proper overload if any
                    methodDecl = (LocalDeclarationContainer) containerDecl;
                    String name = method.getName();
                    // this is only for error messages
                    String type;
                    // lots of special cases
                        name = "string";
                        type = "attribute";
                    }else if(isHashAttribute(method)){
                        name = "hash";
                        type = "attribute";
                    }else if(isGetter(method)) {
                        // simple attribute
                        name = getJavaAttributeName(name);
                        type = "attribute";
                    }else if(isSetter(method)) {
                        // simple attribute
                        name = getJavaAttributeName(name);
                        type = "attribute setter";
                        isSetter = true;
                        type = "method";
                    // strip any escaping or private suffix
                    // it can be foo$priv$canonical so get rid of that one first
                    if (name.endsWith(Naming.Suffix.$canonical$.toString())) {
                        name = name.substring(0, name.length()-11);
                    name = Util.strip(name, true, method.isPublic() || method.isProtected() || method.isDefaultAccess());

                    methodDecl = (LocalDeclarationContainer) containerDecl.getDirectMember(name, null, false);

                    if(methodDecl == null)
                        throw new ModelResolutionException("Failed to load outer "+type+" " + name
                                + " for local type " + classMirror.getQualifiedName().toString());

                    // if it's a setter we wanted, let's get it
                        LocalDeclarationContainer setter = (LocalDeclarationContainer) ((Value)methodDecl).getSetter();
                        if(setter == null)
                            throw new ModelResolutionException("Failed to load outer "+type+" " + name
                                    + " for local type " + classMirror.getQualifiedName().toString());
                        methodDecl = setter;
            }else if(enclosingClassDeclaration instanceof LazyMethod){
                // local and toplevel methods
                methodDecl = (LazyMethod)enclosingClassDeclaration;
            }else if(enclosingClassDeclaration instanceof LazyValue){
                // local and toplevel attributes
                if(enclosingClassDeclaration.isToplevel() && method.getName().equals(
                    isSetter = true;
                    LocalDeclarationContainer setter = (LocalDeclarationContainer) ((LazyValue)enclosingClassDeclaration).getSetter();
                    if(setter == null)
                        throw new ModelResolutionException("Failed to toplevel attribute setter " + enclosingClassDeclaration.getName()
                                + " for local type " + classMirror.getQualifiedName().toString());
                    methodDecl = setter;
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Related Classes of com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.loader.model.LocalDeclarationContainer

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