FastStack scopeStack = definition.scope.getScopeStack();
if (request.moduleName.equals(definition.module.getName())) {
if (!scopeStack.empty()) {
Object peek = scopeStack.peek();
if (peek instanceof FunctionDef) {
return new PyRenameLocalProcess(definition);
return new PyRenameGlobalProcess(definition);
if (definition.ast != null) {
if (definition.ast instanceof ClassDef) {
return new PyRenameClassProcess(definition);
if (definition.ast instanceof Name) {
Name n = (Name) definition.ast;
if (n.ctx == Name.Param || n.ctx == Attribute.KwOnlyParam) {
return new PyRenameParameterProcess(definition);
if (definition instanceof KeywordParameterDefinition) {
return new PyRenameParameterProcess((KeywordParameterDefinition) definition, request.nature);
if (definition.ast instanceof FunctionDef) {
return new PyRenameFunctionProcess(definition);
if (NodeUtils.isImport(definition.ast)) {
//this means that we found an import and we cannot actually map that import to a definition
//(so, it is an unresolved import)
return new PyRenameImportProcess(definition);
} else {
//the definition ast is null. This should mean that it was actually an import
//and pointed to some module
return new PyRenameImportProcess(definition);
if (definition.scope != null) {
if (definition.scope.isLastClassDef()) {
return new PyRenameAttributeProcess(definition, definition.value);
FastStack scopeStack = definition.scope.getScopeStack();
if (request.moduleName.equals(definition.module.getName())) {
if (!scopeStack.empty()) {
Object peek = scopeStack.peek();
if (peek instanceof FunctionDef) {
return new PyRenameLocalProcess(definition);