Describes advice/preferences to a comment formatter.
Note that parts of the advice may be needed by a "comment extractor" that separates the comment text from its comment container. This happens when there is an ambiguity if whitespace is part of the container/the language it is embedded in, or if it is part of the comment.
The formatting advice described by this interface is considered to be a useful set of "preferences" for comment formatting in a generic sense. Naturally, if the default textual comment processor is overridden with a more advanced parser, such a processor may use only parts of this advice, and may use an extended interface to provide additional implementation specific advice. When doing so, the implementation should naturally also use custom preference pages.
TODO: This construct is a bit of a crutch. The best way to handle comment formatting is to parse the comment into a Dom, and then apply styling with CSS. The "comment formatter advice" would then simply be a CSS. The current implementation is basically one single complex "style", with a special mechanism to apply it.