null, "Module dependencies for graphTestData", null, stream, buildResult, chain);
assertTrue("Stream should contain data", stream.size() > 10);
// produce SVG
SVGProducer svgProducer = getSVGProducer();
// turn the produced dot around and send it to the SVG producer.
ByteArrayInputStream dotStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(stream.toByteArray());
// Write the dot to a file:
File outputFolder = TestDataProvider.getTestOutputDir();
FileOutputStream tmp = new FileOutputStream(new File(outputFolder, ""));
// create a stream to collect the SVG output
ByteArrayOutputStream svgStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
svgProducer.produceSVG(dotStream, svgStream, false, new NullProgressMonitor());
// Write the svg to a file:
tmp = new FileOutputStream(new File(outputFolder, "dependecyGraphSVG.svg"));