final Object indexResult;
indexResult = index.get(key);
if (indexResult == null || indexResult instanceof OIdentifiable)
cursor = new OIndexCursorSingleValue((OIdentifiable) indexResult, key);
cursor = new OIndexCursorCollectionValue(((Collection<OIdentifiable>) indexResult).iterator(), key);
} else {
// in case of composite keys several items can be returned in case of we perform search
// using part of composite key stored in index.
final OCompositeIndexDefinition compositeIndexDefinition = (OCompositeIndexDefinition) indexDefinition;
final Object keyOne = compositeIndexDefinition.createSingleValue(keyParams);
if (keyOne == null)
return null;
final Object keyTwo = compositeIndexDefinition.createSingleValue(keyParams);
if (internalIndex.hasRangeQuerySupport()) {
cursor = index.iterateEntriesBetween(keyOne, true, keyTwo, true, ascSortOrder);
} else {
int indexParamCount = indexDefinition.getParamCount();
if (indexParamCount == keyParams.size()) {
final Object indexResult;
indexResult = index.get(keyOne);
if (indexResult == null || indexResult instanceof OIdentifiable)
cursor = new OIndexCursorSingleValue((OIdentifiable) indexResult, keyOne);
cursor = new OIndexCursorCollectionValue(((Collection<OIdentifiable>) indexResult).iterator(), keyOne);
} else
return null;