if (iDatabase instanceof ODatabaseComplex) {
final ODatabaseComplex<?> db = (ODatabaseComplex<?>) iDatabase;
for (OServerHookConfiguration hook : configuredHooks) {
try {
final ORecordHook.HOOK_POSITION pos = ORecordHook.HOOK_POSITION.valueOf(hook.position);
final ORecordHook h = (ORecordHook) Class.forName(hook.clazz).newInstance();
if (hook.parameters != null && hook.parameters.length > 0)
try {
final Method m = h.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("config", new Class[] { OServerParameterConfiguration[].class });
m.invoke(h, new Object[] { hook.parameters });
} catch (Exception e) {
.warn(this, "[configure] Failed to configure hook '%s'. Parameters specified but hook don support parameters. Should have a method config with parameters OServerParameterConfiguration[] ", hook.clazz);