Package com.ordobill.webapp.engine

Examples of com.ordobill.webapp.engine.SampleEngineImpl

        log.debug("Iteration Number   ========="+projectForm.getProIterNum());
        log.debug("Startting Time     ========="+projectForm.getProStartTime());
        log.debug("Life      Time     ========="+projectForm.getProLifeTime());
        log.debug("Time      Division ========="+projectForm.getProTd());
        SampleEngineImpl sampleEngine = new SampleEngineImpl();
        SampleBean samplebean = new SampleBean();
        //2012-01-13 정재우 실장님의 요청으로 추가함
        ActionMessages msg = new ActionMessages();
        int message = -1;
        message = (Integer) sqlMap.update("Project.simulatorUpdate", projectForm);
         * Project.simulatorUpdate query
         *   UPDATE PROJECT
           SET  PRO_ITERNUM        = #proIterNum#     
               ,PRO_STARTTIME        = #proStartTime#
               ,PRO_LIFETIME         = #proLifeTime#
               ,PRO_TD      = #proTd#
               ,PRO_OUTPUT  = #proOutput#
         ,PRO_ANNUALRATE  = #proAnnualRate#
         WHERE PRO_UID = #proUid#
    if(message == 0){
      msg.add("message", new ActionMessage("저장에 실패했습니다."));
    }else if(message > 0){
      msg.add("message", new ActionMessage("저장에 성공했습니다."));
        saveMessages(request, msg);
        List modelingList =  sqlMap.queryForList("Modeling.getModeling", ""+projectForm.getProUid()); // Project Uid Modeling Get
         * List<Modeling> 으로 안하고 List로 했는지(?)
        /** Modeling.getModeling query
         * SELECT MO_UID         AS moUid
             ,MO_PROJECT    AS moProject
             ,MO_BR         AS moBr
             ,MO_SELF       AS moSelf
             ,MO_PRE        AS moPre
             ,MO_DEPTH      AS moDepth
             ,MO_ORDER      AS moOrder
             ,MO_TYPE       AS moType
             ,MO_IMG        AS moImg
             ,MO_POSX       AS moPosx
             ,MO_POSY       AS moPosy
             ,MO_NAME       AS moName
             ,MO_PU_EA      AS moPuEa
             ,MO_PU_NAME    AS moPuName
             ,MO_PU_VALUE   AS moPuValue
             ,MO_PU_ORDER   AS moPuOrder
             ,MO_IN         AS moIn
             ,MO_OUT        AS moOut
             ,MO_TREE       AS moTree
             ,MO_TAG_ID     AS moTagId
             ,MO_PU_CONNECT AS moPuConnect
             ,MO_PB_UID     AS moPbUid
      WHERE MO_PROJECT = #value#
        HashMap<String, ArrayList<Modeling>> cenarioMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Modeling>>();
        Vector<Modeling> modelingVector = new Vector<Modeling>(modelingList.size()); //modelingList를 Vetor로 변경하기 위한 객체 선언
        ArrayList<SampleBean> sampleBean = new ArrayList<SampleBean>();
        modelingVector.addAll(modelingList); //Vetor 에 List 값 적용
        for (int i=0;i<modelingVector.size();i++) {
            ArrayList<Modeling> cenarioModeling = (ArrayList<Modeling>)sqlMap.queryForList("Modeling.getSNModeling", ""+modelingVector.get(i).getMoSelf());
             * Modeling.getSNModeling query
             * SELECT * FROM (SELECT SNMO_UID         AS moUid
               ,SNMO_PROJECT    AS moProject
               ,SNMO_BR         AS moBr
               ,SNMO_SELF       AS moSelf
               ,SNMO_PRE        AS moPre
               ,SNMO_DEPTH      AS moDepth
               ,SNMO_ORDER      AS moOrder
               ,SNMO_TYPE       AS moType
               ,SNMO_IMG        AS moImg
               ,SNMO_POSX       AS moPosx
               ,SNMO_POSY       AS moPosy
               ,SNMO_NAME       AS moName
               ,SNMO_PU_EA      AS moPuEa
               ,SNMO_PU_NAME    AS moPuName
               ,SNMO_PU_VALUE   AS moPuValue
               ,SNMO_PU_ORDER   AS moPuOrder
               ,SNMO_IN         AS moIn
               ,SNMO_OUT        AS moOut
               ,SNMO_TREE       AS moTree
               ,SNMO_TAG_ID     AS moTagId
               ,SNMO_PU_CONNECT AS moPuConnect
               ,SNMO_PB_UID     AS moPbUid
            WHERE MO_PK = #value#
      SELECT MO_UID         AS moUid
                   ,MO_PROJECT    AS moProject
                   ,MO_BR         AS moBr
                   ,MO_SELF       AS moSelf
                   ,MO_PRE        AS moPre
                   ,MO_DEPTH      AS moDepth
                   ,MO_ORDER      AS moOrder
                   ,MO_TYPE       AS moType
                   ,MO_IMG        AS moImg
                   ,MO_POSX       AS moPosx
                   ,MO_POSY       AS moPosy
                   ,MO_NAME       AS moName
                   ,MO_PU_EA      AS moPuEa
                   ,MO_PU_NAME    AS moPuName
                   ,MO_PU_VALUE   AS moPuValue
                   ,MO_PU_ORDER   AS moPuOrder
                   ,MO_IN         AS moIn
                   ,MO_OUT        AS moOut
                   ,MO_TREE       AS moTree
                   ,MO_TAG_ID     AS moTagId
                   ,MO_PU_CONNECT AS moPuConnect
                   ,MO_PB_UID     AS moPbUid
            WHERE MO_SELF = #value#)
      ORDER BY moSelf ASC
            if (cenarioModeling != null) {
              cenarioMap.put(modelingVector.get(i).getMoSelf(), cenarioModeling);
            if (modelingVector.get(i).getSamplesList().size()>0) {
        ArrayList<String> keyArr = new ArrayList<String>();
        //ArrayList<ArrayList<SampleBean>> cenarioList = new ArrayList<ArrayList<SampleBean>>(); // 시나리오 관련 최종 데이터 저장소
        //ArrayList<SampleBean> tempSampleBean = new ArrayList<SampleBean>(); // 시나리오 데이터 임시 저장소
     // 시나리오 관련 모드일경우
        if (true) {
            this.fnCenario(modelingVector, keyArr, cenarioMap, sampleEngine, projectForm, sampleBean);
        System.out.println("keyArr.length : " + keyArr.size());
        //시나리오 관련 종료
        ArrayList<Figures> figList = (ArrayList<Figures>) sqlMap.queryForList("Figures.figures", new Figures(projectForm));
        //sampleBean = (ArrayList<SampleBean>) sqlMap.queryForList("Sample.figures",samplebean);
        //System.out.println("sampleBean.size() : " + sampleBean.size());
        Sampleform sampleform = sampleEngine.engineCore(projectForm,sampleBean,simulationArr);
      //시작 경제성 계산
        EconomicAnalysis _EconomicAnalysis = new EconomicAnalysis();
        int economicResulut = 0;
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      SampleEngineImpl sampleEngine = new SampleEngineImpl();
        SampleBean samplebean = new SampleBean();
        ActionMessages msg = new ActionMessages();
        int message = -1;
        message = (Integer) sqlMap.update("Project.simulatorUpdate", projectForm);
        if(message == 0){
      msg.add("message", new ActionMessage("저장에 실패했습니다."));
    }else if(message > 0){
      msg.add("message", new ActionMessage("저장에 성공했습니다."));
        saveMessages(request, msg);
        List modelingList =  sqlMap.queryForList("Modeling.getModeling", ""+projectForm.getProUid()); // Project Uid Modeling Get
        HashMap<String, ArrayList<Modeling>> cenarioMap = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<Modeling>>();
        Vector<Modeling> modelingVector = new Vector<Modeling>(modelingList.size()); //modelingList를 Vetor로 변경하기 위한 객체 선언
        ArrayList<SampleBean> sampleBean = new ArrayList<SampleBean>();
        modelingVector.addAll(modelingList); //Vetor 에 List 값 적용
        for (int i=0;i<modelingVector.size();i++) {
        ArrayList<Modeling> cenarioModeling = (ArrayList<Modeling>)sqlMap.queryForList("Modeling.getSNModeling", ""+modelingVector.get(i).getMoSelf());
        if (cenarioModeling != null) {
            cenarioMap.put(modelingVector.get(i).getMoSelf(), cenarioModeling);
          if (modelingVector.get(i).getSamplesList().size()>0) {
        ArrayList<Figures> figList = (ArrayList<Figures>) sqlMap.queryForList("Figures.figures", new Figures(projectForm));
        //sampleBean = (ArrayList<SampleBean>) sqlMap.queryForList("Sample.figures",samplebean);
        //System.out.println("sampleBean.size() : " + sampleBean.size());
        Sampleform sampleform = sampleEngine.engineCore(projectForm,sampleBean,simulationArr);
        SimulationFields[] simFieldsArr = new SimulationFields[sampleform.getIterationArr().length];
        float AveAvailability = 0;
        for (int i=0;i<simFieldsArr.length;i++) {
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Related Classes of com.ordobill.webapp.engine.SampleEngineImpl

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