This class converts java 5 enums to String and from String[] to enum.
One of Java 5's improvements is providing enumeration facility. Up to now, there existed no enumerations. The only way to simulate was the so-called int Enum pattern: {code} public static final int SEASON_WINTER = 0; public static final int SEASON_SPRING = 1; public static final int SEASON_SUMMER = 2; public static final int SEASON_FALL = 3; {code}
Java 5.0 now provides the following construct: {code} public static enum Season { WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, FALL }; {code} h3. Implementing Java 5 Enumeration Type Conversion
1. myAction-conversion.properties
Place a myAction-conversion.properties-file in the path of your Action. Add the following entry to the properties-file: {code} nameOfYourField=fullyClassifiedNameOfYourConverter {code}
2. myAction.java Your action contains the _enumeration_: {code} public enum Criticality {DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL} {code} * Your action contains the _private field_: {code} private myEnum myFieldForEnum; {code} Your action contains _getters and setters_ for your field: {code} public myEnum getCriticality() { return myFieldForEnum; } public void setCriticality(myEnum myFieldForEnum) { this.myFieldForEnum= myFieldForEnum; } {code}
3. JSP
In your jsp you can access an enumeration value just normal by using the known
-Tag: {code} {code}
@author Tamara Cattivelli
@author Rainer Hermanns
@version $Id$
@deprecated Since Struts 2.1.0 as enum support is now built into XWork