Request for the history of a market data snapshot.
A full snapshot master implements historical storage of data. History can be stored in two dimensions and this request provides searching.
The first historic dimension is the classic series of versions. Each new version is stored in such a manor that previous versions can be accessed.
The second historic dimension is corrections. A correction occurs when it is realized that the original data stored was incorrect. A simple master might simply replace the original version with the corrected value. A full implementation will store the correction in such a manner that it is still possible to obtain the value before the correction was made.
For example, a snapshot added on Monday and updated on Thursday has two versions. If it is realized on Friday that the version stored on Monday was incorrect, then a correction may be applied. There are now two versions, the first of which has one correction. This may continue, with multiple corrections allowed for each version.
Versions and corrections are represented by instants in the search.