public int getPriority(final CompiledFunctionDefinition function) {
if (function instanceof CurrencyConversionFunction || function instanceof CurrencySeriesConversionFunction) {
return Integer.MIN_VALUE;
if (function instanceof DefaultPropertyFunction) {
final DefaultPropertyFunction defaultPropertyFunction = (DefaultPropertyFunction) function;
if (defaultPropertyFunction.isPermitWithout()) {
// Place below the filtering summing function priority, or the filter may never be applied.
return -2 + defaultPropertyFunction.getPriority().getPriorityAdjust() - DefaultPropertyFunction.PriorityClass.MAX_ADJUST;
} else {
// All other currency injections are important; e.g. the currency constraint can't be omitted for some functions
return Integer.MAX_VALUE + defaultPropertyFunction.getPriority().getPriorityAdjust() - DefaultPropertyFunction.PriorityClass.MAX_ADJUST;
if (function instanceof BondPV01CountryCurveFunction) {
return 6;