public void cycleCompleted(ViewComputationResultModel fullResult, ViewDeltaResultModel deltaResult) {
EngineResourceReference<? extends ViewCycle> oldReference = _cycleReference;
try {
ViewResultModel results = deltaResult != null ? deltaResult : fullResult;
// always retain a reference to the most recent cycle so the dependency graphs are available at all times.
// without this it would be necessary to wait at least one cycle before it would be possible to access the graphs.
// this allows dependency graphs grids to be opened and populated without any delay
EngineResourceReference<? extends ViewCycle> cycleReference = _viewClient.createCycleReference(results.getViewCycleId());
if (cycleReference == null) {
// this shouldn't happen if everything in the engine is working as it should
_cycleReference = EmptyViewCycle.REFERENCE;
} else {
_cycleReference = cycleReference;