if (defaultFactory == null) {
throw new OpenGammaRuntimeException("Unable to find a default provider matching one of [" + StringUtils.join(defaultProviders, ", ")
+ "] from available providers [" + StringUtils.join(factories.keySet(), ", ") + "]");
InMemoryLKVLiveMarketDataProviderFactory liveMarketDataProviderFactory = new InMemoryLKVLiveMarketDataProviderFactory(defaultFactory, ImmutableMap.copyOf(factories));
ComponentInfo info = new ComponentInfo(LiveMarketDataProviderFactory.class, getClassifier());
repo.registerComponent(info, liveMarketDataProviderFactory);
// REVIEW jonathan 2013-08-23 -- Didn't want to break backwards compatibility, but shouldn't the repository take care of supertypes?
info = new ComponentInfo(MarketDataProviderFactory.class, getClassifier());