Manages the process of loading and starting OpenGamma components.
The OpenGamma logical architecture consists of a set of components. This class loads and starts the components based on configuration. The end result is a populated {@link ComponentRepository}.
Two types of config file format are recognized - properties and INI. The INI file is the primary file for loading the components, see {@link ComponentConfigIniLoader}. The behavior of an INI file can be controlled using properties.
The properties can either be specified manually before {@link #start(Resource))}is called or loaded by specifying a properties file instead of an INI file. The properties file must contain the key "MANAGER.NEXT.FILE" which is used to load the next file. The next file is normally the INI file, but could be another properties file. As such, the properties files can be chained.
Properties are never overwritten, thus manual properties have priority over file-based, and earlier file-based have priority over later file-based.
It is not intended that the manager is retained for the lifetime of the application, the repository is intended for that purpose.