Package com.oltpbenchmark.catalog

Examples of com.oltpbenchmark.catalog.Column

        // Check whether we have any special mappings that we need to maintain
        Map<Integer, Integer> code_2_id = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
        Map<Integer, Map<String, Long>> mapping_columns = new HashMap<Integer, Map<String, Long>>();
        for (int col_code_idx = 0, cnt = columns.size(); col_code_idx < cnt; col_code_idx++) {
            Column catalog_col = columns.get(col_code_idx);
            String col_name = catalog_col.getName();
            // Code Column -> Id Column Mapping
            // Check to see whether this table has columns that we need to map their
            // code values to tuple ids
            String col_id_name = this.profile.code_columns.get(col_name);
            if (col_id_name != null) {
                Column catalog_id_col = catalog_tbl.getColumnByName(col_id_name);
                assert(catalog_id_col != null) : "The id column " + catalog_tbl.getName() + "." + col_id_name + " is missing";
                int col_id_idx = catalog_tbl.getColumnIndex(catalog_id_col);
                code_2_id.put(col_code_idx, col_id_idx);
            // Foreign Key Column to Code->Id Mapping
            // If this columns references a foreign key that is used in the Code->Id mapping
            // that we generating above, then we need to know when we should change the
            // column value from a code to the id stored in our lookup table
            if (this.profile.fkey_value_xref.containsKey(col_name)) {
                String col_fkey_name = this.profile.fkey_value_xref.get(col_name);
                mapping_columns.put(col_code_idx, this.profile.code_id_xref.get(col_fkey_name));
        } // FOR

        int row_idx = 0;
        int row_batch = 0;
        try {
            String insert_sql = SQLUtil.getInsertSQL(catalog_tbl);
            PreparedStatement insert_stmt = this.conn.prepareStatement(insert_sql);
            int sqlTypes[] = catalog_tbl.getColumnTypes();
            for (Object tuple[] : iterable) {
                assert(tuple[0] != null) : "The primary key for " + catalog_tbl.getName() + " is null";
                // AIRPORT
                if (is_airport) {
                    // Skip any airport that does not have flights
                    int col_code_idx = catalog_tbl.getColumnByName("AP_CODE").getIndex();
                    if (profile.hasFlights((String)tuple[col_code_idx]) == false) {
                        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
                            LOG.trace(String.format("Skipping AIRPORT '%s' because it does not have any flights", tuple[col_code_idx]));
                    // Update the row # so that it matches what we're actually loading
                    int col_id_idx = catalog_tbl.getColumnByName("AP_ID").getIndex();
                    tuple[col_id_idx] = (long)(row_idx + 1);
                    // Store Locations
                    int col_lat_idx = catalog_tbl.getColumnByName("AP_LATITUDE").getIndex();
                    int col_lon_idx = catalog_tbl.getColumnByName("AP_LONGITUDE").getIndex();
                    Pair<Double, Double> coords = Pair.of((Double)tuple[col_lat_idx], (Double)tuple[col_lon_idx]);
                    if (coords.getFirst() == null || coords.getSecond() == null) {
                    assert(coords.getFirst() != null) :
                        String.format("Unexpected null latitude for airport '%s' [%d]", tuple[col_code_idx], col_lat_idx);
                    assert(coords.getSecond() != null) :
                        String.format("Unexpected null longitude for airport '%s' [%d]", tuple[col_code_idx], col_lon_idx);
                    this.airport_locations.put(tuple[col_code_idx].toString(), coords);
                    if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
                        LOG.trace(String.format("Storing location for '%s': %s", tuple[col_code_idx], coords));
                // Code Column -> Id Column
                for (int col_code_idx : code_2_id.keySet()) {
                    assert(tuple[col_code_idx] != null) :
                        String.format("The value of the code column at '%d' is null for %s\n%s",
                                      col_code_idx, catalog_tbl.getName(), Arrays.toString(tuple));
                    String code = tuple[col_code_idx].toString().trim();
                    if (code.length() > 0) {
                        Column from_column = columns.get(col_code_idx);
                        assert(from_column != null);
                        Column to_column = columns.get(code_2_id.get(col_code_idx));
                        assert(to_column != null) : String.format("Invalid column %s.%s", catalog_tbl.getName(), code_2_id.get(col_code_idx))
                        long id = (Long)tuple[code_2_id.get(col_code_idx)];
                        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace(String.format("Mapping %s '%s' -> %s '%d'", from_column.fullName(), code, to_column.fullName(), id));
                        this.profile.code_id_xref.get(to_column.getName()).put(code, id);
                } // FOR
                // Foreign Key Code -> Foreign Key Id
                for (int col_code_idx : mapping_columns.keySet()) {
                    Column catalog_col = columns.get(col_code_idx);
                    assert(tuple[col_code_idx] != null || catalog_col.isNullable()) :
                        String.format("The code %s column at '%d' is null for %s id=%s\n%s",
                        catalog_col.fullName(), col_code_idx, catalog_tbl.getName(), tuple[0], Arrays.toString(tuple));
                    if (tuple[col_code_idx] != null) {
                        String code = tuple[col_code_idx].toString();
                        tuple[col_code_idx] = mapping_columns.get(col_code_idx).get(code);
                        if (LOG.isTraceEnabled())
                            LOG.trace(String.format("Mapped %s '%s' -> %s '%s'", catalog_col.fullName(), code, catalog_col.getForeignKey().fullName(), tuple[col_code_idx]));
                } // FOR
                for (int i = 0; i < tuple.length; i++) {
                    try {
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        this.types = new int[this.catalog_tbl.getColumnCount()];
        this.fkeys = new boolean[this.catalog_tbl.getColumnCount()];
        this.nullable = new boolean[this.catalog_tbl.getColumnCount()];
        for (int i = 0; i < this.types.length; i++) {
            Column catalog_col = this.catalog_tbl.getColumn(i);
            this.types[i] = catalog_col.getType();
            this.fkeys[i] = (catalog_col.getForeignKey() != null);
            this.nullable[i] = catalog_col.isNullable();
        } // FOR
        this.reader = new CSVReader(FileUtil.getReader(this.table_file));
        // Throw away the first row if there is a header
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                public Object[] next() {
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                        Column catalog_col = catalog_tbl.getColumn(i);
                        assert(catalog_col != null) : "The column at position " + i + " for " + catalog_tbl + " is null";
                        // Special Value Column
                        if (special[i]) {
                            data[i] = specialValue(last_id, i);

                        // Id column (always first unless overridden in special)
                        } else if (i == 0) {
                            data[i] = new Long(last_id);

                        // Strings
                        } else if (SQLUtil.isStringType(types[i])) {
                            int size = catalog_col.getSize();
                            data[i] = rng.astring(rng.nextInt(size - 1), size);
                        // Ints/Longs
                        } else {
                            assert(SQLUtil.isIntegerType(types[i])) :
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        // key reference to COUNTRY.CO_ID, then the data file for AIRPORT will have a value
        // 'USA' in the AP_CO_ID column. We can use mapping to get the id number for 'USA'.
        // Long winded and kind of screwy, but hey what else are you going to do?
        for (Table catalog_tbl : this.catalog.getTables()) {
            for (Column catalog_col : catalog_tbl.getColumns()) {
                Column catalog_fkey_col = catalog_col.getForeignKey();
                if (catalog_fkey_col != null && this.code_id_xref.containsKey(catalog_fkey_col.getName())) {
                    this.fkey_value_xref.put(catalog_col.getName(), catalog_fkey_col.getName());
                    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug(String.format("Added ForeignKey mapping from %s to %s", catalog_col.fullName(), catalog_fkey_col.fullName()));
            } // FOR
        } // FOR
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Related Classes of com.oltpbenchmark.catalog.Column

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