/// <param name="binormal">The surface binormal of the position to touch (A binormal is a vector tangen to the surface
/// pointing along the U direction of the tangent space</param>
public void ClickObject(Simulator simulator, long localID, Vector3 uvCoord, Vector3 stCoord, int faceIndex, Vector3 position,
Vector3 normal, Vector3 binormal) throws InterruptedException
ObjectGrabPacket grab = new ObjectGrabPacket();
grab.AgentData.AgentID = Client.self.getAgentID();
grab.AgentData.SessionID = Client.self.getSessionID();
grab.ObjectData.GrabOffset = Vector3.Zero;
grab.ObjectData.LocalID = localID;
grab.SurfaceInfo = new ObjectGrabPacket.SurfaceInfoBlock[1];