getLog().debug("Parsing html file: " + ftemp.getAbsolutePath());
//tempMap.put(key, value);
//The HTML file information are added in the list of FileInfoObject
String indexerLanguage = getProperty("webhelpIndexerLanguage");
DocFileInfo docFileInfoTemp =
new DocFileInfo(spe.runExtractData(ftemp,
(indexerLanguage == null) ? "en" : indexerLanguage));
ftemp = docFileInfoTemp.getFullpath();
String stemp = ftemp.toString();
int i = stemp.indexOf(targetBaseDir.getAbsolutePath());
if (i != 0) {
System.out.println("the documentation root does not match with the documentation input!");
int ad = 1;
if (stemp.equals(targetBaseDir.getAbsolutePath()))
ad = 0;
stemp = stemp.substring(i + targetBaseDir.getAbsolutePath().length() + ad); //i is redundant (i==0 always)
ftemp = new File(stemp);
/*remove empty strings from the map*/