public void dragGestureRecognized(DragGestureEvent event) {
FileTable fileTable = folderPanel.getFileTable();
FileTableModel tableModel = fileTable.getFileTableModel();
// Return (do not initiate drag) if mouse button2 or button3 was used
if((event.getTriggerEvent().getModifiers() & (InputEvent.BUTTON2_MASK|InputEvent.BUTTON3_MASK))!=0)
// Do not use that to retrieve the current selected file as it is inaccurate: the selection could have changed since the
// the mouse was clicked.
// AbstractFile selectedFile = fileTable.getSelectedFile(false);
// // Return if selected file is null (could happen if '..' is selected)
// if(selectedFile==null)
// return;
// Find out which row was clicked
int clickedRow = fileTable.rowAtPoint(event.getDragOrigin());
// Return (do not initiate drag) if the selected file is the parent folder '..'
if (clickedRow==-1 || fileTable.isParentFolder(clickedRow))
// Retrieve the file corresponding to the clicked row
AbstractFile selectedFile = tableModel.getFileAtRow(clickedRow);
// Find out which files are to be dragged, based on the selected file and currenlty marked files.
// If there are some files marked, drag marked files only if the selected file is one of the marked files.
// In any other case, only drag the selected file.
FileSet markedFiles;
FileSet draggedFiles;
if(tableModel.getNbMarkedFiles()>0 && (markedFiles=fileTable.getSelectedFiles()).contains(selectedFile)) {
draggedFiles = markedFiles;
else {
draggedFiles = new FileSet(folderPanel.getCurrentFolder(), selectedFile);