Package com.mucommander.ui.dialog.auth

Examples of com.mucommander.ui.dialog.auth.AuthDialog

     * @param fileURL the file or folder to ask credentials for
     * @param errorMessage optional (can be null), an error message describing a prior authentication failure
     * @return the AuthDialog that contains the credentials selected by the user (if any)
    private AuthDialog popAuthDialog(FileURL fileURL, boolean authFailed, String errorMessage) {
        AuthDialog authDialog = new AuthDialog(mainFrame, fileURL, authFailed, errorMessage);
        return authDialog;
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      // optional and CredentialsManager has credentials for this location, popup the authentication dialog to
      // avoid waiting for an AuthException to be thrown.
      else if(!folderURL.containsCredentials() &&
          (  (authenticationType==AuthenticationType.AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED)
              || (authenticationType==AuthenticationType.AUTHENTICATION_OPTIONAL && CredentialsManager.getMatchingCredentials(folderURL).length>0))) {
        AuthDialog authDialog = popAuthDialog(folderURL, false, null);
        newCredentialsMapping = authDialog.getCredentialsMapping();
        guestCredentialsSelected = authDialog.guestCredentialsSelected();

        // User cancelled the authentication dialog, stop
        if(newCredentialsMapping ==null)
          userCancelled = true;
        // Use the provided credentials and invalidate the folder AbstractFile instance (if any) so that
        // it gets recreated with the new credentials
        else {
          CredentialsManager.authenticate(folderURL, newCredentialsMapping);
          folder = null;

      if(!userCancelled) {
        boolean canonicalPathFollowed = false;

        do {
          // Set cursor to hourglass/wait
          mainFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR));

          // Render all actions inactive while changing folder

          try {
            // 2 cases here :
            // - Thread was created using an AbstractFile instance
            // - Thread was created using a FileURL, corresponding AbstractFile needs to be resolved

            // Thread was created using a FileURL
            if(folder==null) {
              AbstractFile file = FileFactory.getFile(folderURL, true);

              synchronized(KILL_LOCK) {
                if(killed) {
                  LOGGER.debug("this thread has been killed, returning");

              // File resolved -> 25% complete

              // Popup an error dialog and abort folder change if the file could not be resolved
              // or doesn't exist
              if(file==null || !file.exists()) {
                // Restore default cursor


              // File is a regular directory, all good
              if(file.isDirectory()) {
                // Just continue
              // File is a browsable file (Zip archive for instance) but not a directory : Browse or Download ? => ask the user
              else if(file.isBrowsable()) {
                // If history already contains this file, do not ask the question again and assume
                // the user wants to 'browse' the file. In particular, this prevent the 'Download or browse'
                // dialog from popping up when going back or forward in history.
                // The dialog is also not displayed if the file corresponds to the currently selected file,
                // which is a weak (and not so accurate) way to know if the folder change is the result
                // of the OpenAction (enter pressed on the file). This works well enough in practice.
                if(!globalHistory.historyContains(folderURL) && !file.equals(folderPanel.getFileTable().getSelectedFile())) {
                  // Restore default cursor

                  // Download or browse file ?
                  QuestionDialog dialog = new QuestionDialog(mainFrame,
                      new String[] {BROWSE_TEXT, DOWNLOAD_TEXT, CANCEL_TEXT},
                      new int[] {BROWSE_ACTION, DOWNLOAD_ACTION, CANCEL_ACTION},

                  int ret = dialog.getActionValue();

                  if(ret==-1 || ret==CANCEL_ACTION)

                  // Download file
                  if(ret==DOWNLOAD_ACTION) {
                  // Continue if BROWSE_ACTION
                  // Set cursor to hourglass/wait
                  mainFrame.setCursor(new Cursor(Cursor.WAIT_CURSOR));
                // else just continue and browse file's contents
              // File is a regular file: show download dialog which allows to download (copy) the file
              // to a directory specified by the user
              else {

              this.folder = file;
            // Thread was created using an AbstractFile instance, check file existence
            else if(!folder.exists()) {
              // Find a 'workable' folder if the requested folder doesn't exist anymore
              if(findWorkableFolder) {
                AbstractFile newFolder = getWorkableFolder(folder);
                if(newFolder.equals(folder)) {
                  // If we've already tried the returned folder, give up (avoids a potentially endless loop)

                // Try again with the new folder
                folder = newFolder;
                folderURL = folder.getURL();
                // Discard the file to select, if any
                fileToSelect = null;

              else {

            // Checks if canonical should be followed. If that is the case, the file is invalidated
            // and resolved again. This happens only once at most, to avoid a potential infinite loop
            // in the event that the absolute path still didn't match canonical one after the file is
            // resolved again.
            if(!canonicalPathFollowed && followCanonicalPath(folder)) {
              try {
                // Recreate the FileURL using the file's canonical path
                FileURL newURL = FileURL.getFileURL(folder.getCanonicalPath());
                // Keep the credentials and properties (if any)
                this.folderURL = newURL;
                // Invalidate the AbstractFile instance
                this.folder = null;
                // There won't be any further attempts after this one
                canonicalPathFollowed = true;

                // Loop the resolve the file
              catch(MalformedURLException e) {
                // In the unlikely event of the canonical path being malformed, the AbstractFile
                // and FileURL instances are left untouched

            synchronized(KILL_LOCK) {
              if(killed) {
                LOGGER.debug("this thread has been killed, returning");

            // File tested -> 50% complete

            /* TODO branch
            AbstractFile children[] = new AbstractFile[0];
            if (branchView) {
              childrenList = new ArrayList();
              children = (AbstractFile[]) childrenList.toArray(children);
            } else {
              children =;                           

            synchronized(KILL_LOCK) {
              if(killed) {
                LOGGER.debug("this thread has been killed, returning");
              // From now on, thread cannot be killed (would comprise table integrity)
              doNotKill = true;

            // files listed -> 75% complete

            LOGGER.trace("calling setCurrentFolder");

            // Change the file table's current folder and select the specified file (if any)
            setCurrentFolder(folder, fileToSelect, changeLockedTab);

            // folder set -> 95% complete

            // If new credentials were entered by the user, these can now be considered valid
            // (folder was changed successfully), so we add them to the CredentialsManager.
            // Do not add the credentials if guest credentials were selected by the user.
            if(newCredentialsMapping!=null && !guestCredentialsSelected)

            // All good !
            folderChangedSuccessfully = true;

          catch(Exception e) {
            LOGGER.debug("Caught exception", e);

            if(killed) {
              // If #tryKill() called #interrupt(), the exception we just caught was most likely
              // thrown as a result of the thread being interrupted.
              // The exception can be a java.lang.InterruptedException (Thread throws those),
              // a java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException (InterruptibleChannel throws those)
              // or any other exception thrown by some code that swallowed the original exception
              // and threw a new one.

              LOGGER.debug("Thread was interrupted, ignoring exception");

            // Restore default cursor

            if(e instanceof AuthException) {
              AuthException authException = (AuthException)e;
              // Retry (loop) if user provided new credentials, if not stop
              AuthDialog authDialog = popAuthDialog(authException.getURL(), true, authException.getMessage());
              newCredentialsMapping = authDialog.getCredentialsMapping();
              guestCredentialsSelected = authDialog.guestCredentialsSelected();

              if(newCredentialsMapping!=null) {
                // Invalidate the existing AbstractFile instance
                folder = null;
                // Use the provided credentials
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            catch(Exception e) {
                if(e instanceof AuthException) {
                    // Prompts the user for a login and password.
                    AuthException authException = (AuthException)e;
                    FileURL url = authException.getURL();
                    AuthDialog authDialog = new AuthDialog(WindowManager.getCurrentMainFrame(), url, true, authException.getMessage());
                    newCredentialsMapping = authDialog.getCredentialsMapping();
                    if(newCredentialsMapping !=null) {
                        // Use the provided credentials
                        CredentialsManager.authenticate(url, newCredentialsMapping);
                        path = url.toString(true);
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Related Classes of com.mucommander.ui.dialog.auth.AuthDialog

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