public boolean tryClaim(Faction newFaction, PS ps, boolean verbooseChange, boolean verbooseSame)
PS chunk = ps.getChunk(true);
Faction oldFaction = BoardColls.get().getFactionAt(chunk);
UConf uconf = UConf.get(newFaction);
MConf mconf = MConf.get();
// Validate
if (newFaction == oldFaction)
msg("%s<i> already owns this land.", newFaction.describeTo(this, true));
return true;
if (!this.isUsingAdminMode())
if (newFaction.isNormal())
if (mconf.worldsNoClaiming.contains(ps.getWorld()))
msg("<b>Sorry, this world has land claiming disabled.");
return false;
if (!FPerm.TERRITORY.has(this, newFaction, true))
return false;
if (newFaction.getUPlayers().size() < uconf.claimsRequireMinFactionMembers)
msg("Factions must have at least <h>%s<b> members to claim land.", uconf.claimsRequireMinFactionMembers);
return false;
int ownedLand = newFaction.getLandCount();
if (uconf.claimedLandsMax != 0 && ownedLand >= uconf.claimedLandsMax && ! newFaction.getFlag(FFlag.INFPOWER))
msg("<b>Limit reached. You can't claim more land.");
return false;
if (ownedLand >= newFaction.getPowerRounded())
msg("<b>You can't claim more land. You need more power.");
return false;
newFaction.getLandCountInWorld(ps.getWorld()) > 0
!BoardColls.get().isConnectedPs(chunk, newFaction)
(!uconf.claimsCanBeUnconnectedIfOwnedByOtherFaction || oldFaction.isNone())
if (uconf.claimsCanBeUnconnectedIfOwnedByOtherFaction)
msg("<b>You can only claim additional land which is connected to your first claim or controlled by another faction!");
msg("<b>You can only claim additional land which is connected to your first claim!");
return false;
if (oldFaction.isNormal())
if (!FPerm.TERRITORY.has(this, oldFaction, false))
if (!uconf.claimingFromOthersAllowed)
msg("<b>You may not claim land from others.");
return false;
if (oldFaction.getRelationTo(newFaction).isAtLeast(Rel.TRUCE))
msg("<b>You can't claim this land due to your relation with the current owner.");
return false;
if (!oldFaction.hasLandInflation())
msg("%s<i> owns this land and is strong enough to keep it.", oldFaction.getName(this));
return false;
if ( ! BoardColls.get().isBorderPs(chunk))
msg("<b>You must start claiming land at the border of the territory.");
return false;
// Event
FactionsEventChunkChange event = new FactionsEventChunkChange(sender, chunk, newFaction);
if (event.isCancelled()) return false;
// Apply
BoardColls.get().setFactionAt(chunk, newFaction);
// Inform
Set<UPlayer> informees = new HashSet<UPlayer>();
if (newFaction.isNormal())
if (oldFaction.isNormal())
if (MConf.get().logLandClaims)
String chunkString = chunk.toString(PSFormatHumanSpace.get());
String typeString = event.getType().toString().toLowerCase();
for (UPlayer informee : informees)
informee.msg("<h>%s<i> did %s %s <i>for <h>%s<i> from <h>%s<i>.", this.describeTo(informee, true), typeString, chunkString, newFaction.describeTo(informee), oldFaction.describeTo(informee));