Package com.lowagie.text

Examples of com.lowagie.text.Phrase

    private Phrase composePhrase(String text, BaseFont ufont, Color color, float fontSize) {
        Phrase phrase = null;
        if (extensionFont == null && (substitutionFonts == null || substitutionFonts.isEmpty()))
            phrase = new Phrase(new Chunk(text, new Font(ufont, fontSize, 0, color)));
        else {
            FontSelector fs = new FontSelector();
            fs.addFont(new Font(ufont, fontSize, 0, color));
            if (extensionFont != null)
                fs.addFont(new Font(extensionFont, fontSize, 0, color));
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        int rtl = checkRTL(ptext) ? PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_LTR : PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_NO_BIDI;
        if ((options & MULTILINE) == 0) {
            ptext = removeCRLF(text);
        Phrase phrase = composePhrase(ptext, ufont, fcolor, fontSize);
        if ((options & MULTILINE) != 0) {
            float usize = fontSize;
            float width = box.getWidth() - 4 * offsetX - extraMarginLeft;
            float factor = ufont.getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.BBOXURY, 1) - ufont.getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.BBOXLLY, 1);
            ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(null);
            if (usize == 0) {
                usize = h / factor;
                if (usize > 4) {
                    if (usize > 12)
                        usize = 12;
                    float step = Math.max((usize - 4) / 10, 0.2f);
                    ct.setSimpleColumn(0, -h, width, 0);
                    for (; usize > 4; usize -= step) {
                        changeFontSize(phrase, usize);
                        ct.setLeading(factor * usize);
                        int status = ct.go(true);
                        if ((status & ColumnText.NO_MORE_COLUMN) == 0)
                if (usize < 4) {
                    usize = 4;
            changeFontSize(phrase, usize);
            float leading = usize * factor;
            float offsetY = offsetX + h - ufont.getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.BBOXURY, usize);
            ct.setSimpleColumn(extraMarginLeft + 2 * offsetX, -20000, box.getWidth() - 2 * offsetX, offsetY + leading);
        else {
            float usize = fontSize;
            if (usize == 0) {
                float maxCalculatedSize = h / (ufont.getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.BBOXURX, 1) - ufont.getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.BBOXLLY, 1));
                changeFontSize(phrase, 1);
                float wd = ColumnText.getWidth(phrase, rtl, 0);
                if (wd == 0)
                    usize = maxCalculatedSize;
                    usize = (box.getWidth() - extraMarginLeft - 4 * offsetX) / wd;
                if (usize > maxCalculatedSize)
                    usize = maxCalculatedSize;
                if (usize < 4)
                    usize = 4;
            changeFontSize(phrase, usize);
            float offsetY = offX + ((box.getHeight() - 2*offX) - ufont.getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.ASCENT, usize)) / 2;
            if (offsetY < offX)
                offsetY = offX;
            if (offsetY - offX < -ufont.getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.DESCENT, usize)) {
                float ny = -ufont.getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.DESCENT, usize) + offX;
                float dy = box.getHeight() - offX - ufont.getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.ASCENT, usize);
                offsetY = Math.min(ny, Math.max(offsetY, dy));
            if ((options & COMB) != 0 && maxCharacterLength > 0) {
                int textLen = Math.min(maxCharacterLength, ptext.length());
                int position = 0;
                if (alignment == Element.ALIGN_RIGHT) {
                    position = maxCharacterLength - textLen;
                else if (alignment == Element.ALIGN_CENTER) {
                    position = (maxCharacterLength - textLen) / 2;
                float step = (box.getWidth() - extraMarginLeft) / maxCharacterLength;
                float start = step / 2 + position * step;
                if (textColor == null)
                for (int k = 0; k < phrase.size(); ++k) {
                    Chunk ck = (Chunk)phrase.get(k);
                    BaseFont bf = ck.getFont().getBaseFont();
                    app.setFontAndSize(bf, usize);
                    StringBuffer sb = ck.append("");
                    for (int j = 0; j < sb.length(); ++j) {
                        String c = sb.substring(j, j + 1);
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        float yp = offsetX + h - ufont.getFontDescriptor(BaseFont.BBOXURY, usize);
        for (int idx = first; idx < last; ++idx, yp -= leading) {
            String ptext = choices[idx];
            int rtl = checkRTL(ptext) ? PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_LTR : PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_NO_BIDI;
            ptext = removeCRLF(ptext);
            Phrase phrase = composePhrase(ptext, ufont, (idx == topChoice) ? GrayColor.GRAYWHITE : fcolor, usize);
            ColumnText.showTextAligned(app, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, phrase, xp, yp, 0, rtl, 0);
        return app;
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            float moveTextX = l.indentLeft() - indentLeft() + indentation.indentLeft + indentation.listIndentLeft + indentation.sectionIndentLeft;
            text.moveText(moveTextX, -l.height());
            // is the line preceded by a symbol?
            if (l.listSymbol() != null) {
                ColumnText.showTextAligned(graphics, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, new Phrase(l.listSymbol()), text.getXTLM() - l.listIndent(), text.getYTLM(), 0);
            currentValues[0] = currentFont;
            writeLineToContent(l, text, graphics, currentValues, writer.getSpaceCharRatio());
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    /** Adds a cell element.
     * @param text the text for the cell
    public void addCell(String text) {
        addCell(new Phrase(text));
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                Rectangle sr2 = new Rectangle(signatureRect.getWidth() - MARGIN, signatureRect.getHeight() - MARGIN );
                float signedSize = fitText(font, signedBy, sr2, -1, runDirection);

                ColumnText ct2 = new ColumnText(t);
                ct2.setSimpleColumn(new Phrase(signedBy, font), signatureRect.getLeft(), signatureRect.getBottom(), signatureRect.getRight(), signatureRect.getTop(), signedSize, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);

            else if (render == SignatureRenderGraphicAndDescription) {
                ColumnText ct2 = new ColumnText(t);
                ct2.setSimpleColumn(signatureRect.getLeft(), signatureRect.getBottom(), signatureRect.getRight(), signatureRect.getTop(), 0, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT);

                Image im = Image.getInstance(signatureGraphic);
                im.scaleToFit(signatureRect.getWidth(), signatureRect.getHeight());

                Paragraph p = new Paragraph();
                // must calculate the point to draw from to make image appear in middle of column
                float x = 0;
                // experimentation found this magic number to counteract Adobe's signature graphic, which
                // offsets the y co-ordinate by 15 units
                float y = -im.getScaledHeight() + 15;

                x = x + (signatureRect.getWidth() - im.getScaledWidth()) / 2;
                y = y - (signatureRect.getHeight() - im.getScaledHeight()) / 2;
                p.add(new Chunk(im, x + (signatureRect.getWidth() - im.getScaledWidth()) / 2, y, false));
            if (size <= 0) {
                Rectangle sr = new Rectangle(dataRect.getWidth(), dataRect.getHeight());
                size = fitText(font, text, sr, 12, runDirection);
            ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(t);
            ct.setSimpleColumn(new Phrase(text, font), dataRect.getLeft(), dataRect.getBottom(), dataRect.getRight(), dataRect.getTop(), size, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
        if (app[3] == null && !acro6Layers) {
            PdfTemplate t = app[3] = new PdfTemplate(writer);
            t.setBoundingBox(new Rectangle(100, 100));
            writer.addDirectTemplateSimple(t, new PdfName("n3"));
            t.setLiteral("% DSBlank\n");
        if (app[4] == null && !acro6Layers) {
            PdfTemplate t = app[4] = new PdfTemplate(writer);
            t.setBoundingBox(new Rectangle(0, rect.getHeight() * (1 - TOP_SECTION), rect.getRight(), rect.getTop()));
            writer.addDirectTemplateSimple(t, new PdfName("n4"));
            Font font;
            if (layer2Font == null)
                font = new Font();
                font = new Font(layer2Font);
            float size = font.getSize();
            String text = "Signature Not Verified";
            if (layer4Text != null)
                text = layer4Text;
            Rectangle sr = new Rectangle(rect.getWidth() - 2 * MARGIN, rect.getHeight() * TOP_SECTION - 2 * MARGIN);
            size = fitText(font, text, sr, 15, runDirection);
            ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(t);
            ct.setSimpleColumn(new Phrase(text, font), MARGIN, 0, rect.getWidth() - MARGIN, rect.getHeight() - MARGIN, size, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
        int rotation = writer.reader.getPageRotation(page);
        Rectangle rotated = new Rectangle(rect);
        int n = rotation;
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                int minLines = Math.max(cr, lf) + 1;
                maxFontSize = Math.abs(rect.getHeight()) / minLines - 0.001f;
            Phrase ph = new Phrase(text, font);
            ct = new ColumnText(null);
            ct.setSimpleColumn(ph, rect.getLeft(), rect.getBottom(), rect.getRight(), rect.getTop(), maxFontSize, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
            status = ct.go(true);
            if ((status & ColumnText.NO_MORE_TEXT) != 0)
                return maxFontSize;
            float precision = 0.1f;
            float min = 0;
            float max = maxFontSize;
            float size = maxFontSize;
            for (int k = 0; k < 50; ++k) { //just in case it doesn't converge
                size = (min + max) / 2;
                ct = new ColumnText(null);
                ct.setSimpleColumn(new Phrase(text, font), rect.getLeft(), rect.getBottom(), rect.getRight(), rect.getTop(), size, Element.ALIGN_LEFT);
                status = ct.go(true);
                if ((status & ColumnText.NO_MORE_TEXT) != 0) {
                    if (max - min < size * precision)
                        return size;
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        Paragraph tmp = (Paragraph) stack.pop();
        Phrase tmp2 = new Phrase();
        currentParagraph = tmp;
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     * @param chunk the text
    public void addText(Chunk chunk) {
        if (chunk == null || composite)
        addText(new Phrase(chunk));
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                yLine = compositeColumn.yLine;
                linesWritten += compositeColumn.linesWritten;
                descender = compositeColumn.descender;
                if (!Float.isNaN(compositeColumn.firstLineY) && !compositeColumn.firstLineYDone) {
                    if (!simulate)
                        showTextAligned(canvas, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, new Phrase(item.getListSymbol()), compositeColumn.leftX + listIndentation, compositeColumn.firstLineY, 0);
                    compositeColumn.firstLineYDone = true;
                if ((status & NO_MORE_TEXT) != 0) {
                    compositeColumn = null;
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Related Classes of com.lowagie.text.Phrase

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