private void printGestureDetails(Gesture gesture, Controller controller) {
switch (gesture.type()) {
CircleGesture circle = new CircleGesture(gesture);
// Calculate clock direction using the angle between circle normal and pointable
String clockwiseness;
if (circle.pointable().direction().angleTo(circle.normal()) <= Math.PI / 4) {
// Clockwise if angle is less than 90 degrees
clockwiseness = "clockwise";
} else {
clockwiseness = "counterclockwise";
// Calculate angle swept since last frame
double sweptAngle = 0;
if (circle.state() != State.STATE_START) {
CircleGesture previousUpdate =
new CircleGesture(controller.frame(1).gesture(circle.id()));
sweptAngle = (circle.progress() - previousUpdate.progress()) * 2 * Math.PI;
System.out.println("Circle id: " + circle.id() + ", " + circle.state() + ", progress: "
+ circle.progress() + ", radius: " + circle.radius() + ", angle: "
+ Math.toDegrees(sweptAngle) + ", " + clockwiseness);