Package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.multisell

Examples of com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.multisell.MultiSellIngredient

                                        maintainItemFound = true;

                                // if it's a new ingredient, just store its info directly (item id, count, enchantment)
                                _ingredientsList.add(new MultiSellIngredient(e));

                // If there is no maintainIngredient, then we must make sure that the enchantment is not kept from the client packet, as it may have been forged
                if (!maintainItemFound)
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                boolean hasIngredient = false;

                for (MultiSellIngredient ing : templateEntry.getIngredients())
                        // Load the ingredient from the template
                        MultiSellIngredient newIngredient = new MultiSellIngredient(ing);

                        if (newIngredient.getItemId() == 57 && newIngredient.isTaxIngredient())
                                double taxRate = 0.0;

                                if (applyTaxes)
                                        if (merchant != null && merchant.getIsInTown())
                                                taxRate = merchant.getCastle().getTaxRate();

                                _transactionTax = (int) Math.round(newIngredient.getItemCount() * taxRate);
                                totalAdenaCount += _transactionTax;
                                continue; // Do not yet add this adena amount to the list as non-taxIngredient adena might be entered later (order not guaranteed)
                        else if (ing.getItemId() == 57) // && !ing.isTaxIngredient()
                                totalAdenaCount += newIngredient.getItemCount();
                                continue; // Do not yet add this adena amount to the list as taxIngredient adena might be entered later (order not guaranteed)
                        // If it is an armor/weapon, modify the enchantment level appropriately, if necessary
                        else if (maintainEnchantment)
                                L2Item tempItem = ItemTable.getInstance().createDummyItem(newIngredient.getItemId()).getItem();
                                if (tempItem instanceof L2Armor || tempItem instanceof L2Weapon)
                                        hasIngredient = true;

                        // finally, add this ingredient to the entry
                // Next add the adena amount, if any
                if (totalAdenaCount > 0)
                        newEntry.addIngredient(new MultiSellIngredient(57, totalAdenaCount, false, false));

                // Now modify the enchantment level of products, if necessary
                for (MultiSellIngredient ing : templateEntry.getProducts())
                        // Load the ingredient from the template
                        MultiSellIngredient newIngredient = new MultiSellIngredient(ing);

                        if (maintainEnchantment && hasIngredient)
                                // If it is an armor/weapon, modify the enchantment level appropriately
                                // (note, if maintain enchantment is "false" this modification will result to a +0)
                                L2Item tempItem = ItemTable.getInstance().createDummyItem(newIngredient.getItemId()).getItem();

                                if (tempItem instanceof L2Armor || tempItem instanceof L2Weapon)
                                        if (enchantLevel==0 && maintainEnchantment)
                                                enchantLevel = ing.getEnchantmentLevel();
                return newEntry;
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Related Classes of com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.multisell.MultiSellIngredient

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