public int loadMeetingsForFellow(JDCConnection oConn, int iDomainId, String sWorkAreaId,
String sFellowId, int iYearMinus1900, int iMonthZeroBased)
throws SQLException {
oThisMonth = new Month(iYearMinus1900, iMonthZeroBased);
oMeetings = new DBSubset(DB.k_meetings + " m," + DB.k_x_meeting_fellow + " f",
"m." + DB.gu_meeting + ",m." + DB.dt_start + ",m." + DB.bo_private + ",m." + DB.tx_meeting + ",m." + DB.dt_end,
"m."+DB.id_domain+"=? AND m."+DB.gu_workarea+"=? AND "+
"f." + DB.gu_meeting + "=m." + DB.gu_meeting + " AND f." + DB.gu_fellow + "=? AND m." + DB.dt_start + " BETWEEN " + DBBind.escape(firstDay(), "d") + " AND " + DBBind.escape(nextMonth(), "d") + " ORDER BY 2", 60);