throw new NullPointerException("NewsGroupJournal.rebuild() No NewsGroup with GUID "+getGuid()+" found at "+DB.k_newsgroups+" table");
NewsGroup oNewsGrp = new NewsGroup();
if (!oNewsGrp.load(oConn, getGuid())) {
if (DebugFile.trace) {
DebugFile.writeln("NewsGroupJournal.rebuild() No NewsGroup with GUID "+getGuid()+" found at "+DB.k_newsgroups+" table");
throw new SQLException("NewsGroupJournal.rebuild() No NewsGroup with GUID "+getGuid()+" found at "+DB.k_newsgroups+" table");
} // fi
String sXmlProlog = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\""+getEncoding()+"\"?>\n";
String sNewsGrpXml = oNewsGrp.toXML(oConn);
String sMonthsWithPosts = Forums.XMLListMonthsWithPosts(oConn, getGuid(), getLanguage());
FileSystem oFs = new FileSystem();
try { oFs.mkdirs("file://"+getOutputPath()+"archives"); } catch (Exception ignore) { }