is an enhanced version of
. In
, you can have rowHeader and columnHeader. However you can't have rowFooter and columnFooter. However rowFooter and columnFooter are very useful in table. For example they can be used to display "total" or "summary" type of information.
Several methods related to rowFooter and columnFooter are added such as {@link #setRowFooter(javax.swing.JViewport)}, and {@link #setColumnFooter(javax.swing.JViewport)} which will set the viewport to rowFooter and columnFooter arearespectively. The usage of those methods are exactly the same as {@link JScrollPane#setRowHeader(javax.swing.JViewport)}.
To fully leverage the power of JideScrollPane, we also create a class called
which is part of JIDE Grids package. It will allow you to easily create table with row header, row footer and column footer.
also provides support for scrollbar corners. You can set them using {@link #setScrollBarCorner(String,java.awt.Component)}. Available key for scroll bar corner is defined at {@link JideScrollPaneConstants} which can be access from JideScrollPane
Credit: This implementation of scroll bar corner is based on work from Santhosh Kumar - santhosh@in.fiorano.com.