.get(new Integer(i));
rank[i] = rankSet.toArray();
for (int j = 0; j < rank[i].length; j++) {
// Use the weight to store the rank and visited to store whether
// or not the cell is in the list
JGraphAbstractHierarchyCell cell = (JGraphAbstractHierarchyCell) rank[i][j];
WeightedCellSorter cellWrapper = new WeightedCellSorter(cell, i);
cellWrapper.rankIndex = j;
cellWrapper.visited = true;
map.put(cell, cellWrapper);
// Set a limit of the maximum number of times we will access the queue
// in case a loop appears
int maxTries = nodeList.size() * 10;
int count = 0;
// Don't move cell within this value of their median
int tolerance = 1;
while (!nodeList.isEmpty() && count <= maxTries) {
WeightedCellSorter cellWrapper = (WeightedCellSorter) nodeList
JGraphAbstractHierarchyCell cell = cellWrapper.cell;
int rankValue = cellWrapper.weightedValue;
int rankIndex = cellWrapper.rankIndex;
Object[] nextLayerConnectedCells = cell.getNextLayerConnectedCells(
Object[] previousLayerConnectedCells = cell
int numNextLayerConnected = nextLayerConnectedCells.length;
int numPreviousLayerConnected = previousLayerConnectedCells.length;
int medianNextLevel = medianXValue(nextLayerConnectedCells,
rankValue + 1);
int medianPreviousLevel = medianXValue(previousLayerConnectedCells,
rankValue - 1);
int numConnectedNeighbours = numNextLayerConnected
+ numPreviousLayerConnected;
int currentPosition = cell.getGeneralPurposeVariable(rankValue);
double cellMedian = currentPosition;
if (numConnectedNeighbours > 0) {
cellMedian = (medianNextLevel * numNextLayerConnected + medianPreviousLevel
* numPreviousLayerConnected)
/ numConnectedNeighbours;
// Flag storing whether or not position has changed
boolean positionChanged = false;
if (cellMedian < currentPosition - tolerance) {
if (rankIndex == 0) {
cell.setGeneralPurposeVariable(rankValue, (int) cellMedian);
positionChanged = true;
} else {
JGraphAbstractHierarchyCell leftCell = (JGraphAbstractHierarchyCell) rank[rankValue][rankIndex - 1];
int leftLimit = leftCell
leftLimit = leftLimit + (int) leftCell.width / 2
+ (int) intraCellSpacing + (int) cell.width / 2;
if (leftLimit < cellMedian) {
(int) cellMedian);
positionChanged = true;
} else if (leftLimit < cell
- tolerance) {
cell.setGeneralPurposeVariable(rankValue, leftLimit);
positionChanged = true;
} else if (cellMedian > currentPosition + tolerance) {
int rankSize = rank[rankValue].length;
if (rankIndex == rankSize - 1) {
cell.setGeneralPurposeVariable(rankValue, (int) cellMedian);
positionChanged = true;
} else {
JGraphAbstractHierarchyCell rightCell = (JGraphAbstractHierarchyCell) rank[rankValue][rankIndex + 1];
int rightLimit = rightCell
rightLimit = rightLimit - (int) rightCell.width / 2
- (int) intraCellSpacing - (int) cell.width / 2;
if (rightLimit > cellMedian) {
(int) cellMedian);
positionChanged = true;
} else if (rightLimit > cell
+ tolerance) {
cell.setGeneralPurposeVariable(rankValue, rightLimit);
positionChanged = true;
if (positionChanged) {
// Add connected nodes to map and list
for (int i = 0; i < nextLayerConnectedCells.length; i++) {
JGraphAbstractHierarchyCell connectedCell = (JGraphAbstractHierarchyCell) nextLayerConnectedCells[i];
WeightedCellSorter connectedCellWrapper = (WeightedCellSorter) map
if (connectedCellWrapper != null) {
if (connectedCellWrapper.visited == false) {
connectedCellWrapper.visited = true;
// Add connected nodes to map and list
for (int i = 0; i < previousLayerConnectedCells.length; i++) {
JGraphAbstractHierarchyCell connectedCell = (JGraphAbstractHierarchyCell) previousLayerConnectedCells[i];
WeightedCellSorter connectedCellWrapper = (WeightedCellSorter) map
if (connectedCellWrapper != null) {
if (connectedCellWrapper.visited == false) {
connectedCellWrapper.visited = true;