This class provides the main API for JavaSysMon. You must instantiate this class in order to use it, but it stores no state, so there is zero overhead to instantiating it as many times as you like, and hence no need to cache it.
When instantiated for the first time, JavaSysMon will discover which operating system it is running on and attempt to load the appropriate OS-specific extensions. If JavaSysMon doesn't support the OS you're running on, all calls to the API will return null or zero values. Probably the best one to test is osName.
You can run JavaSysMon directly as a jar file, using the command "java -jar javasysmon.jar", in which case it will display output similar to the UNIX "top" command. You can optionally specify a process id as an argument, in which case JavaSysMon will attempt to kill the process.
@author Jez Humble