case Element.SECTION:
case Element.CHAPTER: {
// Chapters and Sections only differ in their constructor
// so we cast both to a Section
Section section = (Section) element;
PdfPageEvent pageEvent = writer.getPageEvent();
boolean hasTitle = section.isNotAddedYet()
&& section.getTitle() != null;
// if the section is a chapter, we begin a new page
if (section.isTriggerNewPage()) {
if (hasTitle) {
float fith = indentTop() - currentHeight;
int rotation = pageSize.getRotation();
if (rotation == 90 || rotation == 180)
fith = pageSize.getHeight() - fith;
PdfDestination destination = new PdfDestination(PdfDestination.FITH, fith);
while (currentOutline.level() >= section.getDepth()) {
currentOutline = currentOutline.parent();
PdfOutline outline = new PdfOutline(currentOutline, destination, section.getBookmarkTitle(), section.isBookmarkOpen());
currentOutline = outline;
// some values are set
indentation.sectionIndentLeft += section.getIndentationLeft();
indentation.sectionIndentRight += section.getIndentationRight();
if (section.isNotAddedYet() && pageEvent != null)
if (element.type() == Element.CHAPTER)
pageEvent.onChapter(writer, this, indentTop() - currentHeight, section.getTitle());
pageEvent.onSection(writer, this, indentTop() - currentHeight, section.getDepth(), section.getTitle());
// the title of the section (if any has to be printed)
if (hasTitle) {
isSectionTitle = true;
isSectionTitle = false;
indentation.sectionIndentLeft += section.getIndentation();
// we process the section
// some parameters are set back to normal again
indentation.sectionIndentLeft -= section.getIndentationLeft() + section.getIndentation();
indentation.sectionIndentRight -= section.getIndentationRight();
if (section.isComplete() && pageEvent != null)
if (element.type() == Element.CHAPTER)
pageEvent.onChapterEnd(writer, this, indentTop() - currentHeight);
pageEvent.onSectionEnd(writer, this, indentTop() - currentHeight);