public void reportConfusionMatrix(ReportingContext ctx, ReportTarget reportTarget) {
DawidSkene ds = ctx.getDawidSkene();
DawidSkeneDecorator decorator = new DawidSkeneDecorator(ds);
String type = "Estimated";
for (ClassificationMethod estimatedClasMethod : Datum.ClassificationMethod.values()) {
ConfusionMatrix confMatrix = decorator.getEstimatedConfusionMatrix(estimatedClasMethod);
reportTarget.println("%s Confusion Matrix (%s):", type, estimatedClasMethod.name());
for (String from : confMatrix.getCategoryNames()) {
for (String to : confMatrix.getCategoryNames()) {
Double cm_entry = confMatrix.getErrorRate(from, to);
String s_cm_entry = Double.isNaN(cm_entry) ? "---" : Helper.round(100 * cm_entry, 3).toString();
reportTarget.print("P[%s->%s]=%s%%\t", from, to, s_cm_entry);
type = "Actual";
// for each classification method, we need to create a confusion matrix
for (ClassificationMethod clasMethod : Datum.ClassificationMethod.values()) {
ConfusionMatrix confMatrix = decorator.getConfusionMatrix(clasMethod);
reportTarget.println("%s Confusion Matrix (%s):", type, clasMethod.name());
for (String from : confMatrix.getCategoryNames()) {
for (String to : confMatrix.getCategoryNames()) {