public String getHostAttestationReport(Hostname hostName) {
XMLOutputFactory xof = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance();
XMLStreamWriter xtw;
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
IManifestStrategy manifestStrategy;
IManifestStrategyFactory strategyFactory;
HashMap<String, ? extends IManifest> pcrManifestMap = null;
TblHosts tblHosts = null;
String attestationReport = "";
try {
tblHosts = new TblHostsJpaController(getEntityManagerFactory()).findByName(hostName.toString());
if (tblHosts == null) {
throw new ASException(ErrorCode.AS_HOST_NOT_FOUND, hostName.toString());
// BUG #497 needs to use HostAgentFactory and HostAgent
strategyFactory = new DefaultManifestStrategyFactory();
manifestStrategy = strategyFactory.getManifestStategy(tblHosts, getEntityManagerFactory());
pcrManifestMap = manifestStrategy.getManifest(tblHosts); // BUG #497 this is now obtained by IntelHostAgent using TAHelper's getQuoteInformationForHost which is what was called by TrustAgentManifestStrategy.getManifest()
} catch (ASException aex) {
throw aex;