* button to modify uninstall options.
* @return the installation step created
protected PromptUserStep verifyUninstallStep() {
final PromptUserStep step = new PromptUserStep(installer) {
public void aboutToStep() {
// Get the directory where the INSTALLER_JAR is.
String selfPath = System.getProperty(Context.INSTALLER_JAR_PROPERTY);
// Assume that it is the same as the installation directory.
File self = new File(selfPath);
options.set(InstallOptions.OPTION_INSTALL_DIR, self.getParent());
// Retrieve the linked Eclipse installations from the LOG file
File logFile = new File(self.getParentFile(), CreateUninstallerOperation.INSTALL_LOG);
EclipseInstallation[] linkedInstallations = EclipseInstallation.findLinked(logFile);
// The directory from which the product will be uninstalled
File installDir = new File(options.getString(InstallOptions.OPTION_INSTALL_DIR));
// Get subproducts to be uninstalled
SubProduct[] subProducts = getSubProductsToInstall();
setText(createUninstallDescription(installDir, subProducts, linkedInstallations));
step.setTitle("Verify uninstall");
.setDescription("This wizard will uninstall " + options.getString(InstallOptions.OPTION_PRODUCT_NAME) + ".");
return step;