"\n Workflow type = " + experimentWorkflowType + "." +
"\n Vendor type = " + vendorType + "." +
"\n Target bucket = " + targetBucket + "." +
"\n Target folder = " + targetKeyPrefix);
TranslationResult translationResult = null;
TranslationError translationError = null;
try {
AnalysisBounds bounds = experiment.getBounds();
final List<Double> lockMasses = experiment.getLockMasses();
final TranslationRequest request = new TranslationRequest(urls, names, conditions, avoidNullList(lockMasses), experimentWorkflowType, vendorType, targetBucket, targetKeyPrefix,
bounds.getMinRt(), bounds.getMaxRt(), bounds.getMinMz(), bounds.getMaxMz());
translationResult = translationService.translateFiles(request);
LOG.debug(" * Got result from translation service. Translated IDs = " + translationResult.getTranslatedIds() + ". Error message = " + translationResult.translationError);
translationError = translationResult.translationError;
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error(" * Translation failed for the experiment with ID = " + experimentId, e);
translationError = new TranslationError("Translation failed.");