Package com.indeed.proctor.common.model

Examples of com.indeed.proctor.common.model.TestType

        // rule: " "
        final String[] emptyRules = new String[] { null, "", " " };
        final Range range = new Range(0, 1.0d);

        final String version = "100";
        final TestType testType = TestType.ANONYMOUS_USER;
        final String salt = "testsalt";
        final List<TestBucket> buckets = fromCompactBucketFormat("inactive:-1,control:0,test:1");
        final Map<String, Object> constants = Collections.emptyMap();
        final Map<String, Object> specialConstants = Collections.emptyMap();
        final String description = "test description";
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        // rule: lang == 'en'
        // rule: ${lang == 'en'}
        final Range range = new Range(0, 1.0d);

        final String version = "100";
        final TestType testType = TestType.ANONYMOUS_USER;
        final String salt = "testsalt";
        final List<TestBucket> buckets = fromCompactBucketFormat("inactive:-1,control:0,test:1");
        final Map<String, Object> constants = Collections.emptyMap();
        final Map<String, Object> specialConstants = Collections.emptyMap();
        final String description = "test description";
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        // rule: lang == 'en'
        // rule: ${lang == 'en'}
        final Range range = new Range(0, 1.0d);

        final String version = "100";
        final TestType testType = TestType.ANONYMOUS_USER;
        final String salt = "testsalt";
        final List<TestBucket> buckets = fromCompactBucketFormat("inactive:-1,control:0,test:1");
        final Map<String, Object> constants = Collections.emptyMap();
        final Map<String, Object> specialConstants = Collections.<String, Object>singletonMap("__COUNTRIES", Lists.newArrayList("US", "CA"));
        final String description = "test description";
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            assertEquals(TestType.RANDOM, replacement.getTestType());
            assertEquals(1, replacement.getBuckets().size());
            assertEquals(-1, replacement.getBuckets().iterator().next().getValue());

        final TestType unrecognizedTestType = TestType.register("UNRECOGNIZED");
            final TestMatrixArtifact matrix = constructArtifact(tests);

            // verifyAndConsolidate should not throw an error because the 'invalidbuckets' test is not required.
            assertEquals(1, matrix.getTests().size());
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        // rule: " "
        final String[] emptyRules = new String[] { null, "", " " };
        final Range range = new Range(0, 1.0d);

        final String version = "100";
        final TestType testType = TestType.ANONYMOUS_USER;
        final String salt = "testsalt";
        final List<TestBucket> buckets = fromCompactBucketFormat("inactive:-1,control:0,test:1");
        final Map<String, Object> constants = Collections.emptyMap();
        final Map<String, Object> specialConstants = Collections.emptyMap();
        final String description = "test description";
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        // rule: lang == 'en'
        // rule: ${lang == 'en'}
        final Range range = new Range(0, 1.0d);

        final String version = "100";
        final TestType testType = TestType.ANONYMOUS_USER;
        final String salt = "testsalt";
        final List<TestBucket> buckets = fromCompactBucketFormat("inactive:-1,control:0,test:1");
        final Map<String, Object> constants = Collections.emptyMap();
        final Map<String, Object> specialConstants = Collections.emptyMap();
        final String description = "test description";
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        // rule: lang == 'en'
        // rule: ${lang == 'en'}
        final Range range = new Range(0, 1.0d);

        final String version = "100";
        final TestType testType = TestType.ANONYMOUS_USER;
        final String salt = "testsalt";
        final List<TestBucket> buckets = fromCompactBucketFormat("inactive:-1,control:0,test:1");
        final Map<String, Object> constants = Collections.emptyMap();
        final Map<String, Object> specialConstants = Collections.<String, Object>singletonMap("__COUNTRIES", Lists.newArrayList("US", "CA"));
        final String description = "test description";
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            assertEquals(TestType.RANDOM, replacement.getTestType());
            assertEquals(1, replacement.getBuckets().size());
            assertEquals(-1, replacement.getBuckets().iterator().next().getValue());

        final TestType unrecognizedTestType = TestType.register("UNRECOGNIZED");
            final TestMatrixArtifact matrix = constructArtifact(tests);

            // verifyAndConsolidate should not throw an error because the 'invalidbuckets' test is not required.
            assertEquals(1, matrix.getTests().size());
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        final Map<String, String> versions = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();

        for (final Entry<String, ConsumableTestDefinition> entry : matrix.getTests().entrySet()) {
            final String testName = entry.getKey();
            final ConsumableTestDefinition testDefinition = entry.getValue();
            final TestType testType = testDefinition.getTestType();
            final TestChooser<?> testChooser;
            if (TestType.RANDOM.equals(testType)) {
                testChooser = new RandomTestChooser(expressionFactory, functionMapper, testName, testDefinition);
            } else {
                testChooser = new StandardTestChooser(expressionFactory, functionMapper, testName, testDefinition);
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            final String testName = entry.getKey();
            final Integer forceGroupBucket = forceGroups.get(testName);
            final TestChooser<?> testChooser = entry.getValue();
            final String identifier;
            if (testChooser instanceof StandardTestChooser) {
                final TestType testType = testChooser.getTestDefinition().getTestType();
                identifier = identifiers.getIdentifier(testType);
                if (identifier == null) {
            } else {
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Related Classes of com.indeed.proctor.common.model.TestType

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