Package com.impossibl.postgres.types

Examples of com.impossibl.postgres.types.Registry


  public ResultSet getProcedureColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String procedureNamePattern, String columnNamePattern) throws SQLException {

    Registry reg = connection.getRegistry();

    ResultField[] resultFields = new ResultField[20];
    List<Object[]> results = new ArrayList<>();

    resultFields[0] =   new ResultField("PROCEDURE_CAT",      0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[1] =   new ResultField("PROCEDURE_SCHEM",    0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[2] =   new ResultField("PROCEDURE_NAME",     0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[3] =   new ResultField("COLUMN_NAME",        0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[4] =   new ResultField("COLUMN_TYPE",        0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int2"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[5] =   new ResultField("DATA_TYPE",          0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int2"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[6] =   new ResultField("TYPE_NAME",          0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[7] =   new ResultField("PRECISION",          0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int4"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[8] =   new ResultField("LENGTH",             0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int4"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[9] =   new ResultField("SCALE",              0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int2"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[10] new ResultField("RADIX",              0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int2"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[11] new ResultField("NULLABLE",           0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int2"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[12] new ResultField("REMARKS",            0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[13] new ResultField("COLUMN_DEF",         0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[14] new ResultField("SQL_DATA_TYPE",      0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int4"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[15] new ResultField("SQL_DATETIME_SUB",   0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int4"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[16] new ResultField("CHAR_OCTECT_LENGTH", 0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int4"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[17] new ResultField("ORDINAL_POSITION",   0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int4"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[18] new ResultField("IS_NULLABLE",        0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[19] new ResultField("SPECIFIC_NAME",      0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);

    StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
    List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>();

        "SELECT n.nspname,p.proname,p.prorettype,p.proargtypes, t.typtype,t.typrelid, p.proargnames, " +
        " p.proargmodes, p.proallargtypes, p.oid " +
        " FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_type t " +
        " WHERE p.pronamespace=n.oid AND p.prorettype=t.oid ");

    if (schemaPattern != null) {
      sql.append(" AND n.nspname LIKE ?");
    if (!isNullOrEmpty(procedureNamePattern)) {
      sql.append(" AND p.proname LIKE ?");

    sql.append(" ORDER BY n.nspname, p.proname, p.oid::text ");

    try (PGResultSet rs = execForResultSet(sql.toString(), params)) {
      while ( {

        String schema = rs.getString("nspname");
        String procedureName = rs.getString("proname");
        String specificName = rs.getString("proname") + "_" + rs.getString("oid");
        Type returnType = reg.loadType(rs.getInt("prorettype"));
        String returnTypeType = rs.getString("typtype");
        int returnTypeRelId = rs.getInt("typrelid");

        Integer[] argTypeIds = rs.getObject("proargtypes", Integer[].class);
        String[] argNames = rs.getObject("proargnames", String[].class);
        String[] argModes = rs.getObject("proargmodes", String[].class);
        Integer[] allArgTypeIds = rs.getObject("proallargtypes", Integer[].class);

        int numArgs = allArgTypeIds != null ? allArgTypeIds.length : argTypeIds.length;

        // decide if we are returning a single column result.
        if (returnTypeType.equals("b") ||
            returnTypeType.equals("d") ||
            (returnTypeType.equals("p") && argModes == null)) {

          Object[] row = new Object[resultFields.length];
          row[0] = null;
          row[1] = schema;
          row[2] = procedureName;
          row[3] = "returnValue";
          row[4] = DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnReturn;
          row[5] = SQLTypeMetaData.getSQLType(returnType);
          row[6] = SQLTypeMetaData.getTypeName(returnType, null, 0);
          row[7] = null;
          row[8] = null;
          row[9] = null;
          row[10] = null;
          row[11] = DatabaseMetaData.procedureNullableUnknown;
          row[12] = null;
          row[17] = 0;
          row[18] = "";
          row[19] = specificName;


        // Add a row for each argument.
        for (int i = 0; i < numArgs; i++) {

          Object[] row = new Object[resultFields.length];
          row[0] = null;
          row[1] = schema;
          row[2] = procedureName;

          if (argNames != null) {
            row[3] = argNames[i];
          else {
            row[3] = "$" + (i + 1);

          int columnMode = DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnIn;
          if (argModes != null) {

            if (argModes[i].equals("o")) {
              columnMode = DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnOut;
            else if (argModes[i].equals("b")) {
              columnMode = DatabaseMetaData.procedureColumnInOut;

          row[4] = columnMode;

          Type argType;
          if (allArgTypeIds != null) {
            argType = reg.loadType(allArgTypeIds[i].intValue());
          else {
            argType = reg.loadType(argTypeIds[i].intValue());

          row[5] = SQLTypeMetaData.getSQLType(argType);
          row[6] = argType.getJavaType(argType.getPreferredFormat(), connection.getTypeMap()).getName();
          row[7] = null;
          row[8] = null;
          row[9] = null;
          row[10] = null;
          row[11] = DatabaseMetaData.procedureNullableUnknown;
          row[12] = null;
          row[17] = i + 1;
          row[18] = "";
          row[19] = specificName;


        // if we are returning a multi-column result.
        if (returnTypeType.equals("c") ||
            (returnTypeType.equals("p") && argModes != null && returnTypeRelId != 0)) {

          String columnsql = "SELECT a.attname,a.atttypid FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a WHERE a.attrelid = " + returnTypeRelId + " AND a.attnum > 0 ORDER BY a.attnum ";
          try (ResultSet columnrs = connection.createStatement().executeQuery(columnsql)) {
            while ( {
              Type columnType = reg.loadType(columnrs.getInt("atttypid"));

              Object[] row = new Object[resultFields.length];
              row[0] = null;
              row[1] = schema;
              row[2] = procedureName;
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  public ResultSet getColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern, String columnNamePattern) throws SQLException {

    Registry registry = connection.getRegistry();

    StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
    List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>();

        "SELECT * FROM (" +
        "   SELECT n.nspname,c.relname,a.attname,a.atttypid,a.attnotnull OR (t.typtype = 'd' AND t.typnotnull) AS attnotnull,a.atttypmod,a.attlen,a.attrelid," +
        "     row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY a.attrelid ORDER BY a.attnum) AS attnum, pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(def.adbin, def.adrelid) AS adsrc,dsc.description,t.typbasetype,t.typtype " +
        "   FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n " +
        "   JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class c ON (c.relnamespace = n.oid) " +
        "   JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a ON (a.attrelid=c.oid) " +
        "   JOIN pg_catalog.pg_type t ON (a.atttypid = t.oid) " +
        "   LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attrdef def ON (a.attrelid=def.adrelid AND a.attnum = def.adnum) " +
        "   LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description dsc ON (c.oid=dsc.objoid AND a.attnum = dsc.objsubid) " +
        "   LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class dc ON (dc.oid=dsc.classoid AND dc.relname='pg_class') " +
        "   LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace dn ON (dc.relnamespace=dn.oid AND dn.nspname='pg_catalog') " +
        "   WHERE a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped ");

    if (schemaPattern != null) {
      sql.append(" AND n.nspname LIKE ?");

    if (!isNullOrEmpty(tableNamePattern)) {
      sql.append(" AND c.relname LIKE ?");

    sql.append(") c");

    if (!isNullOrEmpty(columnNamePattern)) {
      sql.append(" WHERE attname LIKE ?");

    sql.append(" ORDER BY nspname,c.relname,attnum ");

    //Build list of column fields and data

    List<ColumnData> columnsData  = new ArrayList<>();

    try (ResultSet rs = execForResultSet(sql.toString(), params)) {

      while ( {

        ColumnData columnData = new ColumnData();

        columnData.tableSchemaName = rs.getString("nspname");
        columnData.tableName = rs.getString("relname");
        columnData.relationType = registry.loadRelationType(rs.getInt("attrelid"));
        columnData.relationAttrNum = rs.getInt("attnum");
        columnData.columnName = rs.getString("attname");
        columnData.type = registry.loadType(rs.getInt("atttypid"));
        columnData.typeModifier = rs.getInt("atttypmod");
        columnData.typeLength = rs.getInt("attlen");
        columnData.nullable = !rs.getBoolean("attnotnull");
        columnData.defaultValue = rs.getString("adsrc");
        columnData.description = rs.getString("description");
        columnData.baseType = registry.loadType(rs.getInt("typbasetype"));



    //Build result set (manually)

    ResultField[] resultFields = new ResultField[24];
    resultFields[0] = new ResultField("TABLE_CAT",          0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[1] = new ResultField("TABLE_SCHEM",        0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[2] = new ResultField("TABLE_NAME",         0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[3] = new ResultField("COLUMN_NAME",        0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[4] = new ResultField("DATA_TYPE",          0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[5] = new ResultField("TYPE_NAME",          0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[6] = new ResultField("COLUMN_SIZE",        0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[7] = new ResultField("BUFFER_LENGTH",      0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[8] = new ResultField("DECIMAL_DIGITS",     0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[9] = new ResultField("NUM_PREC_RADIX",     0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[10] = new ResultField("NULLABLE",          0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[11] = new ResultField("REMARKS",           0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[12] = new ResultField("COLUMN_DEF",        0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[13] = new ResultField("SQL_DATA_TYPE",     0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[14] = new ResultField("SQL_DATETIME_SUB"0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[15] = new ResultField("CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH", 0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[16] = new ResultField("ORDINAL_POSITION"0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[17] = new ResultField("IS_NULLABLE",       0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[18] = new ResultField("SCOPE_CATLOG",      0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[19] = new ResultField("SCOPE_SCHEMA",      0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[20] = new ResultField("SCOPE_TABLE",       0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[21] = new ResultField("SOURCE_DATA_TYPE"0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int2"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[22] = new ResultField("IS_AUTOINCREMENT"0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[23] = new ResultField("IS_GENERATEDCOLUMN", 0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);

    List<Object[]> results = new ArrayList<>();

    for (int c = 0; c < columnsData.size(); ++c) {

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    if (columnNamePattern == null) {
      columnNamePattern = "%";

    Registry reg = connection.getRegistry();

    StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
    List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>();

        "SELECT" +
        " n.nspname,c.relname,r.rolname,c.relacl,a.attacl,a.attname " +
        "FROM" +
        " pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_roles r, pg_catalog.pg_attribute a " +
        "WHERE " +
        " c.relnamespace = n.oid AND c.relowner = r.oid AND c.oid = a.attrelid AND c.relkind = 'r' AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped ");

    if (schemaPattern != null) {
      sql.append(" AND n.nspname = ?");

    sql.append(" AND c.relname = ?");

    if (!isNullOrEmpty(columnNamePattern)) {
      sql.append(" AND a.attname LIKE ?");

    sql.append(" ORDER BY attname");

    ResultField[] fields = new ResultField[8];
    fields[0] = new ResultField("TABLE_CAT",    0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    fields[1] = new ResultField("TABLE_SCHEM"0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    fields[2] = new ResultField("TABLE_NAME",   0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    fields[3] = new ResultField("COLUMN_NAME"0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    fields[4] = new ResultField("GRANTOR",      0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    fields[5] = new ResultField("GRANTEE",      0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    fields[6] = new ResultField("PRIVILEGE",    0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    fields[7] = new ResultField("IS_GRANTABLE", 0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);

    List<Object[]> results = new ArrayList<>();

    try (ResultSet rs = execForResultSet(sql.toString(), params)) {
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  public ResultSet getTablePrivileges(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String tableNamePattern) throws SQLException {

    Registry reg = connection.getRegistry();

    StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
    List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>();

        "SELECT" +
        " n.nspname,c.relname,r.rolname,c.relacl " +
        "FROM" +
        " pg_catalog.pg_namespace n, pg_catalog.pg_class c, pg_catalog.pg_roles r " +
        "WHERE" +
        " c.relnamespace = n.oid AND c.relowner = r.oid AND c.relkind = 'r' ");

    if (schemaPattern != null) {
      sql.append(" AND n.nspname LIKE ?");

    if (!isNullOrEmpty(tableNamePattern)) {
      sql.append(" AND c.relname LIKE ?");

    sql.append(" ORDER BY nspname, relname ");

    ResultField[] fields = new ResultField[7];
    fields[0] = new ResultField("TABLE_CAT",    0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    fields[1] = new ResultField("TABLE_SCHEM"0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    fields[2] = new ResultField("TABLE_NAME",   0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    fields[3] = new ResultField("GRANTOR",      0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    fields[4] = new ResultField("GRANTEE",      0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    fields[5] = new ResultField("PRIVILEGE",    0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    fields[6] = new ResultField("IS_GRANTABLE", 0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);

    List<Object[]> results = new ArrayList<>();

    try (ResultSet rs = execForResultSet(sql.toString(), params)) {
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  public ResultSet getBestRowIdentifier(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String table, int scope, boolean nullable) throws SQLException {

    Registry reg = connection.getRegistry();

    StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
    List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>();

        "SELECT a.attname, a.atttypid, attlen, atttypmod " +
        "FROM pg_catalog.pg_class ct " +
        "  JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a ON (ct.oid = a.attrelid) " +
        "  JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (ct.relnamespace = n.oid) " +
        "  JOIN (SELECT i.indexrelid, i.indrelid, i.indisprimary, " +
        "             information_schema._pg_expandarray(i.indkey) AS keys " +
        "        FROM pg_catalog.pg_index i) i " +
        "    ON (a.attnum = (i.keys).x AND a.attrelid = i.indrelid) ");

    if (schemaPattern != null) {
      sql.append(" WHERE n.nspname = ?");

    ResultField[] resultFields = new ResultField[8];
    List<Object[]> results = new ArrayList<>();

    resultFields[0] = new ResultField("SCOPE",          0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int2"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[1] = new ResultField("COLUMN_NAME",    0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[2] = new ResultField("DATA_TYPE",      0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int2"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[3] = new ResultField("TYPE_NAME",      0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[4] = new ResultField("COLUMN_SIZE",    0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int4"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[5] = new ResultField("BUFFER_LENGTH"0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int4"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[6] = new ResultField("DECIMAL_DIGITS", 0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int2"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[7] = new ResultField("PSEUDO_COLUMN"0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int2"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);

    try (ResultSet rs = execForResultSet(sql.toString(), params)) {
      while ( {

        Object[] row = new Object[8];
        Type type = reg.loadType(rs.getInt("atttypid"));
        int typeLen = rs.getInt("attlen");
        int typeMod = rs.getInt("atttypmod");
        int decimalDigits = SQLTypeMetaData.getScale(type, typeLen, typeMod);
        int columnSize = SQLTypeMetaData.getPrecision(type, typeLen, typeMod);
        if (columnSize == 0) {
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  public ResultSet getVersionColumns(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String table) throws SQLException {

    Registry reg = connection.getRegistry();

    ResultField[] resultFields = new ResultField[8];
    List<Object[]> results = new ArrayList<>();

    resultFields[0] = new ResultField("SCOPE",          0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int2"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[1] = new ResultField("COLUMN_NAME",    0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[2] = new ResultField("DATA_TYPE",      0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int2"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[3] = new ResultField("TYPE_NAME",      0, (short)0, reg.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[4] = new ResultField("COLUMN_SIZE",    0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int4"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[5] = new ResultField("BUFFER_LENGTH"0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int4"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[6] = new ResultField("DECIMAL_DIGITS", 0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int2"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[7] = new ResultField("PSEUDO_COLUMN"0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int2"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);

    Object[] row = new Object[8];

    /* Postgresql does not have any column types that are
     * automatically updated like some databases' timestamp type.
     * We can't tell what rules or triggers might be doing, so we
     * are left with the system columns that change on an update.
     * An update may change all of the following system columns:
     * ctid, xmax, xmin, cmax, and cmin.  Depending on if we are
     * in a transaction and wether we roll it back or not the
     * only guaranteed change is to ctid. -KJ

    Type type = reg.loadType("tid");

    row[0] = null;
    row[1] = "ctid";
    row[2] = SQLTypeMetaData.getSQLType(type);
    row[3] = SQLTypeMetaData.getTypeName(type, null, 0);
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  public ResultSet getTypeInfo() throws SQLException {

    Registry registry = connection.getRegistry();

    ResultField[] resultFields = new ResultField[18];
    List<Object[]> results = new ArrayList<>();

    resultFields[0] =   new ResultField("TYPE_NAME",          0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[1] =   new ResultField("DATA_TYPE",          0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int2"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[2] =   new ResultField("PRECISION",          0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[3] =   new ResultField("LITERAL_PREFIX",     0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[4] =   new ResultField("LITERAL_SUFFIX",     0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[5] =   new ResultField("CREATE_PARAMS",      0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[6] =   new ResultField("NULLABLE",           0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int2"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[7] =   new ResultField("CASE_SENSITIVE",     0, (short)0, registry.loadType("bool"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[8] =   new ResultField("SEARCHABLE",         0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int2"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[9] =   new ResultField("UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE", 0, (short)0, registry.loadType("bool"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[10] new ResultField("FIXED_PREC_SCALE",   0, (short)0, registry.loadType("bool"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[11] new ResultField("AUTO_INCREMENT",     0, (short)0, registry.loadType("bool"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[12] new ResultField("LOCAL_TYPE_NAME",    0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[13] new ResultField("MINIMUM_SCALE",      0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int2"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[14] new ResultField("MAXIMUM_SCALE",      0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int2"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[15] new ResultField("SQL_DATA_TYPE",      0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[16] new ResultField("SQL_DATETIME_SUB",   0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[17] new ResultField("NUM_PREC_RADIX",     0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);

    String sql =
        "SELECT t.typname,t.oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_type t" +
        " JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON (t.typnamespace = n.oid) " +
        " WHERE n.nspname != 'pg_toast'";

    try (ResultSet rs = execForResultSet(sql)) {
      while ( {

        Object[] row = new Object[18];
        int typeOid = rs.getInt(2);
        Type type = registry.loadType(typeOid);

        row[0] = SQLTypeMetaData.getTypeName(type, null, 0);
        row[1] = SQLTypeMetaData.getSQLType(type);
        row[2] = SQLTypeMetaData.getMaxPrecision(type);
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  public ResultSet getUDTs(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String typeNamePattern, int[] types) throws SQLException {

    Registry reg = connection.getRegistry();

    StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
    List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>();

        "SELECT " +
        " NULL AS TYPE_CAT, n.nspname AS TYPE_SCHEM, t.typname AS TYPE_NAME, NULL AS CLASS_NAME, " +
        " CASE WHEN t.typtype='c' THEN " + java.sql.Types.STRUCT + " ELSE " + java.sql.Types.DISTINCT + " END AS DATA_TYPE, " +
        " pg_catalog.obj_description(t.oid, 'pg_type')  AS REMARKS, " +
        " typbasetype as BASE_TYPE_ID " +
        "FROM" +
        " pg_catalog.pg_type t, pg_catalog.pg_namespace n " +
        "WHERE" +
        " t.typnamespace = n.oid and n.nspname != 'pg_catalog' and n.nspname != 'pg_toast'");

    if (types != null) {

      sql.append(" AND (false ");

      for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
        switch(types[i]) {
          case java.sql.Types.STRUCT:
            sql.append(" or t.typtype = 'c'");
          case java.sql.Types.DISTINCT:
            sql.append(" or t.typtype = 'd'");

      sql.append(" ) ");
    else {

      sql.append(" and t.typtype IN ('c','d') ");

    // spec says that if typeNamePattern is a fully qualified name
    // then the schema and catalog are ignored

    if (typeNamePattern != null) {

      // search for qualifier
      int firstQualifier = typeNamePattern.indexOf('.');
      int secondQualifier = typeNamePattern.lastIndexOf('.');

      if (firstQualifier != -1) {

        // if one of them is -1 they both will be
        if (firstQualifier != secondQualifier) {
          // we have a catalog.schema.typename, ignore catalog
          schemaPattern = typeNamePattern.substring(firstQualifier + 1, secondQualifier);
        else {
          // we just have a schema.typename
          schemaPattern = typeNamePattern.substring(0, firstQualifier);
        // strip out just the typeName
        typeNamePattern = typeNamePattern.substring(secondQualifier + 1);

      sql.append(" AND t.typname LIKE ?");

    // schemaPattern may have been modified above
    if (schemaPattern != null) {
      sql.append(" AND n.nspname LIKE ?");

    sql.append(" ORDER BY data_type, type_schem, type_name");

    PGResultSet rs = execForResultSet(sql.toString(), params);

    ResultField[] fields = new ResultField[7];
    fields[0] = rs.getResultFields().get(0);
    fields[1] = rs.getResultFields().get(1);
    fields[2] = rs.getResultFields().get(2);
    fields[3] = rs.getResultFields().get(3);
    fields[4] = rs.getResultFields().get(4);
    fields[5] = rs.getResultFields().get(5);
    fields[6] = new ResultField("BASE_TYPE", 0, (short)0, reg.loadType("int2"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);

    List<Object[]> results = new ArrayList<>();
    while ( {

      Object[] row = new Object[7];

      row[0] = rs.get(1);
      row[1] = rs.get(2);
      row[2] = rs.get(3);
      row[3] = rs.get(4);
      row[4] = rs.get(5);
      row[5] = rs.get(6);

      Type type = reg.loadType(rs.getInt(7));
      if (type != null) {
        row[6] = SQLTypeMetaData.getSQLType(type);
      else {
        row[6] = null;
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  public ResultSet getAttributes(String catalog, String schemaPattern, String typeNamePattern, String attributeNamePattern) throws SQLException {

    Registry registry = connection.getRegistry();

    StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
    List<Object> params = new ArrayList<>();

        "SELECT * FROM (" +
        "   SELECT n.nspname,t.typname,a.attname,a.atttypid,a.attrelid,a.attnotnull OR (t.typtype = 'd' AND t.typnotnull) AS attnotnull,a.atttypmod,a.attlen," +
        "     row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY a.attrelid ORDER BY a.attnum) AS attnum, dsc.description" +
        "   FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace n " +
        "   JOIN pg_catalog.pg_type t ON (t.typnamespace=n.oid) " +
        "   JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a ON (a.attrelid=t.typrelid) " +
        "   LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description dsc ON (t.typrelid=dsc.objoid AND a.attnum = dsc.objsubid) " +
        "   LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class dc ON (dc.oid=dsc.classoid AND dc.relname='pg_class') " +
        "   LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace dn ON (dc.relnamespace=dn.oid AND dn.nspname='pg_catalog') " +
        "   WHERE a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped AND t.typtype='c'");

    if (schemaPattern != null) {
      sql.append(" AND n.nspname LIKE ?");

    if (!isNullOrEmpty(typeNamePattern)) {
      sql.append(" AND t.typname LIKE ?");

    sql.append(") c");

    if (!isNullOrEmpty(attributeNamePattern)) {
      sql.append(" WHERE attname LIKE ?");

    sql.append(" ORDER BY nspname,c.typname,attnum ");

    //Build list of column fields and data

    List<AttributeData> attrsData  = new ArrayList<>();

    try (ResultSet rs = execForResultSet(sql.toString(), params)) {

      while ( {

        AttributeData attrData = new AttributeData();

        attrData.typeSchemaName = rs.getString("nspname");
        attrData.typeName = rs.getString("typname");
        attrData.relationType = registry.loadRelationType(rs.getInt("attrelid"));
        attrData.relationAttrNum = rs.getInt("attnum");
        attrData.attributeName = rs.getString("attname");
        attrData.type = registry.loadType(rs.getInt("atttypid"));
        attrData.typeModifier = rs.getInt("atttypmod");
        attrData.typeLength = rs.getInt("attlen");
        attrData.nullable = !rs.getBoolean("attnotnull");
        attrData.description = rs.getString("description");



    //Build result set (manually)

    ResultField[] resultFields = new ResultField[21];
    resultFields[0] = new ResultField("TYPE_CAT",           0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[1] = new ResultField("TYPE_SCHEM",         0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[2] = new ResultField("TYPE_NAME",          0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[3] = new ResultField("ATTR_NAME",          0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[4] = new ResultField("DATA_TYPE",          0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[5] = new ResultField("ATTR_TYPE_NAME",     0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[6] = new ResultField("ATTR_SIZE",          0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[7] = new ResultField("DECIMAL_DIGITS",     0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[8] = new ResultField("NUM_PREC_RADIX",     0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[9] = new ResultField("NULLABLE",           0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[10] = new ResultField("REMARKS",           0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[11] = new ResultField("ATTR_DEF",          0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[12] = new ResultField("SQL_DATA_TYPE",     0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[13] = new ResultField("SQL_DATETIME_SUB"0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[14] = new ResultField("CHAR_OCTET_LENGTH", 0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[15] = new ResultField("ORDINAL_POSITION"0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[16] = new ResultField("IS_NULLABLE",       0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[17] = new ResultField("SCOPE_CATLOG",      0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[18] = new ResultField("SCOPE_SCHEMA",      0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[19] = new ResultField("SCOPE_TABLE",       0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[20] = new ResultField("SOURCE_DATA_TYPE"0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int2"),   (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);

    List<Object[]> results = new ArrayList<>();

    for (int c = 0; c < attrsData.size(); ++c) {

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  public ResultSet getClientInfoProperties() throws SQLException {

    Registry registry = connection.getRegistry();

    ResultField[] resultFields = new ResultField[18];
    List<Object[]> results = new ArrayList<>();

    resultFields[0] =   new ResultField("NAME",               0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[1] =   new ResultField("MAX_LEN",            0, (short)0, registry.loadType("int4"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[2] =   new ResultField("DEFAULT_VALUE",      0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);
    resultFields[3] =   new ResultField("DESCRIPTION",        0, (short)0, registry.loadType("text"), (short)0, 0, Format.Binary);

    Object[] row = new Object[4];

    row[0] = "ApplicationName";
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Related Classes of com.impossibl.postgres.types.Registry

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