long initialTime, finalTime;
initialTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Create the object of the pipeline.
Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline("pipeline test");
// Create objects Tasks which extend PipelineTasks
ReadTask task1 = new ReadTask();
TransformTask task2 = new TransformTask();
WriteTask task3 = new WriteTask();
// Add these tasks to the pipeline
pipeline.add("readTask", task1);
pipeline.add("transformTask", task2);
pipeline.add("writeTask", task3);
// Join these tasks in order to know the order of execution of the tasks
pipeline.join(task1, task2);
pipeline.join(task2, task3);
// Execute the Pipeline
// To wait till execution lasts. Skip this line pipeline.cleanUp()
// if you do not want to
// wait for the execution of pipeline to finish.
finalTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println("Time Taken by ParallelRTW: "
+ (finalTime - initialTime));
// shutdown when task is over