List<URL> managedURLs = null;
if (persistentUnitMetadataMap == null || persistentUnitMetadataMap.isEmpty())
log.error("It is necessary to load Persistence Unit metadata for persistence unit " + persistenceUnit
+ " first before loading entity metadata.");
throw new MetamodelLoaderException("load Persistence Unit metadata for persistence unit "
+ persistenceUnit + " first before loading entity metadata.");
PersistenceUnitMetadata puMetadata = persistentUnitMetadataMap.get(persistenceUnit);
classesToScan = puMetadata.getManagedClassNames();
managedURLs = puMetadata.getManagedURLs();
client = getClientFactoryName(persistenceUnit);
* Check whether Classes to scan was provided into persistence.xml If
* yes, load them. Otherwise load them from classpath/ context path
Reader reader;
ApplicationMetadata appMetadata = kunderaMetadata.getApplicationMetadata();
if (classesToScan == null || classesToScan.isEmpty())
{"No class to scan for persistence unit " + persistenceUnit
+ ". Entities will be loaded from classpath/ context-path");
// Entity metadata is not related to any PU, and hence will be
// stored at common place
// persistenceUnit = Constants.COMMON_ENTITY_METADATAS;
// Check whether all common entity metadata have already been loaded
if (appMetadata.getMetamodelMap().get(persistenceUnit) != null)
{"All common entitity metadata already loaded, nothing need to be done");
reader = new ClasspathReader();
// resources = reader.findResourcesByClasspath();
reader = new ClasspathReader(classesToScan);
// resources = reader.findResourcesByContextLoader();
InputStream[] iStreams = null;
PersistenceUnitMetadata puMetadata = persistentUnitMetadataMap.get(persistenceUnit);
if (this.getClass().getClassLoader() instanceof URLClassLoader && !puMetadata.getExcludeUnlistedClasses())
URL[] managedClasses = reader.findResources();
if (managedClasses != null)
List<URL> managedResources = Arrays.asList(managedClasses);
iStreams = reader.findResourcesAsStream();
if (managedURLs != null)
resources = managedURLs.toArray(new URL[] {});
// All entities to load should be annotated with @Entity
Metamodel metamodel = appMetadata.getMetamodel(persistenceUnit);
if (metamodel == null)
metamodel = new MetamodelImpl();
Map<String, EntityMetadata> entityMetadataMap = ((MetamodelImpl) metamodel).getEntityMetadataMap();
Map<String, Class<?>> entityNameToClassMap = ((MetamodelImpl) metamodel).getEntityNameToClassMap();
Map<String, List<String>> puToClazzMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
Map<String, IdDiscriptor> entityNameToKeyDiscriptorMap = new HashMap<String, IdDiscriptor>();
List<Class<?>> classes = new ArrayList<Class<?>>();
if (resources != null && resources.length > 0)
for (URL resource : resources)
ResourceIterator itr = reader.getResourceIterator(resource, reader.getFilter());
InputStream is = null;
while ((is = != null)
classes.addAll(scanClassAndPutMetadata(is, reader, entityMetadataMap, entityNameToClassMap,
persistenceUnit, client, puToClazzMap, entityNameToKeyDiscriptorMap));
catch (IOException e)
log.error("Error while retreiving and storing entity metadata. Details:", e);
throw new MetamodelLoaderException("Error while retreiving and storing entity metadata");
else if (iStreams != null)
for (InputStream is : iStreams)
classes.addAll(scanClassAndPutMetadata(is, reader, entityMetadataMap, entityNameToClassMap,
persistenceUnit, client, puToClazzMap, entityNameToKeyDiscriptorMap));
if (is != null)
catch (IOException e)
log.error("Error while retreiving and storing entity metadata. Details:", e);
throw new MetamodelLoaderException("Error while retreiving and storing entity metadata, Caused by : .",
((MetamodelImpl) metamodel).setEntityMetadataMap(entityMetadataMap);