searchTerms.add(new BasicDBObject(CustomMapReduceJobPojo.jobtitle_,jobidortitle));
DBObject dbo = DbManager.getCustom().getLookup().findOne(new BasicDBObject(DbManager.or_,searchTerms.toArray()));
if ( dbo != null )
CustomMapReduceJobPojo cmr = CustomMapReduceJobPojo.fromDb(dbo, CustomMapReduceJobPojo.class);
//verify user can update this job
if ( RESTTools.adminLookup(userid) || cmr.submitterID.toString().equals(userid) )
//check if job is already running
if ( ( cmr.jobidS != null ) && !cmr.jobidS.equals( "CHECKING_COMPLETION" ) && !cmr.jobidS.equals( "" ) ) // (< robustness, sometimes server gets stuck here...)
// If it is running and we're trying to turn it off .. .then kill the job:
com.ikanow.infinit.e.processing.custom.utils.PropertiesManager customProps = new com.ikanow.infinit.e.processing.custom.utils.PropertiesManager();
boolean bLocalMode = customProps.getHadoopLocalMode();
boolean tryToKillJob = false;
if (!bLocalMode) { // else not possible
// This line means: either we're NONE already (and it hasn't changed), or we've been changed to NONE
if ((((null == schedFreq) || (schedFreq.equalsIgnoreCase("null")))
&& (CustomMapReduceJobPojo.SCHEDULE_FREQUENCY.NONE == cmr.scheduleFreq))
(null != schedFreq) && (schedFreq.equalsIgnoreCase("none")))
long candidateNextRuntime = 0L;
try {
candidateNextRuntime = Long.parseLong(nextRunTime);
catch (Exception e) {}
if (candidateNextRuntime >= DONT_RUN_TIME) {
tryToKillJob = true;
}//TESTED - (don't run/daily/once-only) - covers all the cases, except the "theoretical" null cases
if (tryToKillJob) {
// (ie is running and updating it to mean don't run anymore .. that 4e12 number is 2099 in ms, anything bigger than that is assumed to mean "don't run)
CustomProcessingController pxController = new CustomProcessingController();
if (pxController.killRunningJob(cmr)) {
rp.setResponse(new ResponseObject("Update MapReduce Job",true,"Killed job, may take a few moments for the status to update."));
else {
rp.setResponse(new ResponseObject("Update MapReduce Job",false,"Failed to kill the job - it may not have started yet, try again in a few moments."));
return rp;
}//TODO (INF-2395): TOTEST
else {
rp.setResponse(new ResponseObject("Update MapReduce Job",false,"Job is currently running (or not yet marked as completed). Please wait until the job completes to update it."));
return rp;
if (cmr.jobidS != null) { // (must be checking completion, ie in bug state, so reset...)
cmr.jobidS = null;
cmr.jobidN = 0;
//check each variable to see if its needs/can be updated
if ( (null != communityIds) && !communityIds.equals("null") )
List<ObjectId> commids = new ArrayList<ObjectId>();
for ( String s : communityIds.split(","))
commids.add(new ObjectId(s));
boolean bAdmin = RESTTools.adminLookup(userid);
//make sure user is allowed to submit on behalf of the commids given
if ( bAdmin || isInAllCommunities(commids, userid) )
ElasticSearchManager customIndex = CustomOutputIndexingEngine.getExistingIndex(cmr);
if (null != customIndex) {
CustomOutputIndexingEngine.swapAliases(customIndex, commids, true);
}//TESTED (by hand - removal and deletion)
cmr.communityIds = commids;
rp.setResponse(new ResponseObject("Update MapReduce Job",false,"You do have permissions for all the communities given."));
return rp;
if ( (null != inputColl) && !inputColl.equals("null"))
//make sure user can use the input collection
String inputCollection = getStandardInputCollection(inputColl);
if ( inputCollection != null )
cmr.isCustomTable = false;
inputCollection = getCustomInputCollection(inputColl, cmr.communityIds);
cmr.isCustomTable = true;
if ( inputCollection != null)
cmr.inputCollection = inputCollection;
rp.setResponse(new ResponseObject("Update MapReduce Job",false,"You do not have permission to use the given input collection."));
return rp;
if ( (null != title) && !title.equals("null"))
// If this is indexed then can't change the title
if (null != CustomOutputIndexingEngine.getExistingIndex(cmr)) {
rp.setResponse(new ResponseObject("Update MapReduce Job",false,"You cannot change the title of a non-empty indexed job - you can turn indexing off and then change the title"));
return rp;
}//TESTED (by hand)
cmr.jobtitle = title;
//make sure the new title hasn't been used before
DBObject dbo1 = DbManager.getCustom().getLookup().findOne(new BasicDBObject("jobtitle",title));
if ( dbo1 != null )
rp.setResponse(new ResponseObject("Update MapReduce Job",false,"A job already matches that title, please choose another title"));
return rp;
if ( (null != desc) && !desc.equals("null"))
cmr.jobdesc = desc;
if ( (null != jarURL) && !jarURL.equals("null"))
cmr.jarURL = jarURL;
if ( (null != nextRunTime) && !nextRunTime.equals("null"))
cmr.nextRunTime = Long.parseLong(nextRunTime);
long nNow = new Date().getTime();
cmr.firstSchedule = new Date(cmr.nextRunTime);
if (cmr.nextRunTime < nNow) { // ie leave firstSchedule alone since that affects when we next run, but just set this to now...
cmr.nextRunTime = nNow - 1;
cmr.timesRan = 0;
cmr.timesFailed = 0;
if ( (null != schedFreq) && !schedFreq.equals("null"))
cmr.scheduleFreq = SCHEDULE_FREQUENCY.valueOf(schedFreq);
if ( (null != mapperClass) && !mapperClass.equals("null"))
cmr.mapper = mapperClass;
if ( (null != reducerClass) && !reducerClass.equals("null"))
cmr.reducer = reducerClass;
if ( (null != combinerClass) && !combinerClass.equals("null"))
cmr.combiner = combinerClass;
if ( (null != query) && !query.equals("null"))
boolean wasIndexed = CustomOutputIndexingEngine.isIndexed(cmr);
if ( !query.isEmpty() )
cmr.query = query;
cmr.query = "{}";
// If we're in indexing mode, check if the index has been turned off, in which case delete the index
if (wasIndexed && !CustomOutputIndexingEngine.isIndexed(cmr)) {
}//TESTED (by hand)
if (null == cmr.jarURL) { // (if in savedQuery mode, force types to be Text/BSONWritable)
// Force the types:
outputKey = "";
outputValue = "";
if ( (null != outputKey) && !outputKey.equals("null"))
cmr.outputKey = outputKey;
if ( (null != outputValue) && !outputValue.equals("null"))
cmr.outputValue = outputValue;
if ( (null != appendResults) && !appendResults.equals("null"))
cmr.appendResults = Boolean.parseBoolean(appendResults);
catch (Exception ex)
cmr.appendResults = false;
if ( (null != ageOutInDays) && !ageOutInDays.equals("null"))
cmr.appendAgeOutInDays = Double.parseDouble(ageOutInDays);
catch (Exception ex)
cmr.appendAgeOutInDays = 0.0;
if (null != incrementalMode)
cmr.incrementalMode = incrementalMode;
if (null != selfMerge)
cmr.selfMerge = selfMerge;
if (null != exportToHdfs) {
cmr.exportToHdfs = exportToHdfs;
//try to work out dependencies, error out if they fail
if ( (null != jobsToDependOn) && !jobsToDependOn.equals("null"))
cmr.jobDependencies = getJobDependencies(jobsToDependOn);
cmr.waitingOn = cmr.jobDependencies;
catch (Exception ex)
rp.setResponse(new ResponseObject("Update MapReduce Job",false,"Error parsing the job dependencies, did a title or id get set incorrectly or did a job not exist?"));
return rp;
if ( json != null && !json.equals("null"))
cmr.arguments = json;
cmr.arguments = null;
if ((null == cmr.jarURL) && (null != cmr.arguments) && !cmr.arguments.isEmpty()) {
// In saved query, if arguments is valid BSON then copy over query
try {
Object tmpQuery = com.mongodb.util.JSON.parse(cmr.arguments);
if (tmpQuery instanceof BasicDBObject) {
cmr.query = cmr.arguments;
catch (Exception e) {} // fine just carry on
else if ((null == cmr.jarURL)) { // ie args == null, copy from query
cmr.arguments = cmr.query;
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
// If an exception occurs log the error
logger.error("Exception Message: " + e.getMessage(), e);
rp.setResponse(new ResponseObject("Update MapReduce Job",false,"Illegal arg (enum needs to be DAILY/WEEKLY/MONTHLY/NONE?): " + e.getMessage()));
return rp;
catch (Exception e)
// If an exception occurs log the error
logger.error("Exception Message: " + e.getMessage(), e);
rp.setResponse(new ResponseObject("Update MapReduce Job",false,"error scheduling job: " + e.getMessage()));
return rp;
// Setup post-processing
String nextRunString = new Date(cmr.nextRunTime).toString();
boolean bRunNowIfPossible = false;
if ( cmr.nextRunTime < new Date().getTime() ) {
nextRunString = "next available timeslot";
bRunNowIfPossible = true;
rp.setResponse(new ResponseObject("Update MapReduce Job",true,"Job updated successfully, will run on: " + nextRunString));
rp.setData(cmr._id.toString(), null);
if (bRunNowIfPossible) {
runJobAndWaitForCompletion(cmr, bQuickRun);
else {
rp.setResponse(new ResponseObject("Update MapReduce Job", false, "You do not have permission to submit this job"));