// get the values of all resource properties for the current subscription
SubscriptionManagerRP rpDoc = curSubscription.getResourceProps( );
// get the full notification body - wrapped in Notify element if subscriber wants it
SOAPElement fullMsgBodyElem;
if ( rpDoc.getUseNotify( ) )
if ( messageWithNotify == null )
messageWithNotify = createNotification( topic, msgBodyElem, true );
fullMsgBodyElem = messageWithNotify;
if ( messageWithoutNotify == null )
messageWithoutNotify = createNotification( topic, msgBodyElem, false );
fullMsgBodyElem = messageWithoutNotify;
// build the full SOAP envelope of the notification message
EndpointReferenceType epr = rpDoc.getConsumerReference( );
LOG.debug( MSG.getMessage( Keys.EMITTING_MESSAGE, epr ) );
LOG.debug( fullMsgBodyElem );
SOAPMessage msg = buildSOAPMessage( fullMsgBodyElem, epr );