public void TestImplicitGeneration()
try {
ImplicitCEGenerator foo = new ImplicitCEGenerator(0xE0, 0xE4);
//int x = foo.getRawImplicit(0xF810);
//int gap4 = foo.getGap4();
//logln("Gap4: " + gap4);
//int gap3 = foo.getGap3();
//int minTrail = foo.getMinTrail();
//int maxTrail = foo.getMaxTrail();
long last = 0;
long current;
for (int i = 0; i <= MAX_INPUT; ++i) {
current = foo.getImplicitFromRaw(i) & fourBytes;
// check that it round-trips AND that all intervening ones are illegal
int roundtrip = foo.getRawFromImplicit((int)current);
if (roundtrip != i) {
throwError("No roundtrip", i, foo);
if (last != 0) {
for (long j = last + 1; j < current; ++j) {
roundtrip = foo.getRawFromImplicit((int)j);
// raise an error if it *doesn't* find an error
if (roundtrip != -1) {
throwError("Fails to recognize illegal", j);
// now do other consistency checks
long lastBottom = last & bottomByte;
long currentBottom = current & bottomByte;
long lastTop = last & topByte;
long currentTop = current & topByte;
// do some consistency checks
long gap = current - last;
if (currentBottom != 0) { // if we are a 4-byte
// gap has to be at least gap4
// and gap from minTrail, maxTrail has to be at least gap4
if (gap <= gap4) foo.throwError("Failed gap4 between", i);
if (currentBottom < minTrail + gap4) foo.throwError("Failed gap4 before", i);
if (currentBottom > maxTrail - gap4) foo.throwError("Failed gap4 after", i);
} else { // we are a three-byte
gap = gap >> 8; // move gap down for comparison.
long current3Bottom = (current >> 8) & bottomByte;
if (gap <= gap3) foo.throwError("Failed gap3 between ", i);
if (current3Bottom < minTrail + gap3) foo.throwError("Failed gap3 before", i);
if (current3Bottom > maxTrail - gap3) foo.throwError("Failed gap3 after", i);
// print out some values for spot-checking
if (lastTop != currentTop || i == 0x10000 || i == 0x110000) {
show(i-3, foo);
show(i-2, foo);
show(i-1, foo);
if (i == 0) {
// do nothing
} else if (lastBottom == 0 && currentBottom != 0) {
logln("+ primary boundary, 4-byte CE's below");
} else if (lastTop != currentTop) {
logln("+ primary boundary");
show(i, foo);
show(i+1, foo);
show(i+2, foo);
last = current;
if(foo.getCodePointFromRaw(foo.getRawFromCodePoint(i)) != i) {
errln("No raw <-> code point roundtrip for "+Utility.hex(i));
show(MAX_INPUT-2, foo);
show(MAX_INPUT-1, foo);