
Examples of$SimpleFactory

        if (PRINTSTATS) System.out.println(stableService.stats());

    // run register/unregister on a service
    public void Test03_ConcurrentRegUnreg() {
        ICUService service = new ICULocaleService();
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
            new RegisterFactoryThread("[" + i + "]", service, 0, this).start();
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
            new UnregisterFactoryThread("[" + i + "]", service, 0, this).start();
        if (PRINTSTATS) System.out.println(service.stats());
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        if (PRINTSTATS) System.out.println(service.stats());
    public void Test04_WitheringService() {
        ICUService service = new ICULocaleService();

        Collection fc = getFactoryCollection(50);
        registerFactories(service, fc);

        Factory[] factories = (Factory[])fc.toArray(new Factory[fc.size()]);
        Comparator comp = new Comparator() {
                public int compare(Object lhs, Object rhs) {
                    return lhs.toString().compareTo(rhs.toString());
        Arrays.sort(factories, comp);

        new GetThread("", service, 0, this).start();
        new UnregisterFactoryListThread("", service, 3, factories, this).start();

        if (PRINTSTATS) System.out.println(service.stats());
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    // two display threads with different locales, delay 500ms;
    // one visible id thread, delay 50ms
    // fifteen get threads, delay 0
    // run for ten seconds
    public void Test05_ConcurrentEverything() {
        ICUService service = new ICULocaleService();

        new RegisterFactoryThread("", service, 500, this).start();

        for(int i = 0; i < 15; ++i) {
            new GetThread("[" + Integer.toString(i) + "]", service, 0, this).start();

        new GetVisibleThread("",  service, 50, this).start();

        String[] localeNames = {
            "en", "de"
        for(int i = 0; i < localeNames.length; ++i) {
            String locale = localeNames[i];
            new GetDisplayThread("[" + locale + "]"
                                 new ULocale(locale),

        new UnregisterFactoryThread("", service, 500, this).start();

        // yoweee!!!
        if (PRINTSTATS) System.out.println(service.stats());
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    public void TestAPI() {
    // create a service using locale keys,
    ICUService service = new TestService();

        logln("service name:" + service.getName());

    // register an object with one locale,
    // search for an object with a more specific locale
    // should return the original object
    Integer singleton0 = new Integer(0);
    service.registerObject(singleton0, "en_US");
    Object result = service.get("en_US_FOO");
    confirmIdentical("1) en_US_FOO -> en_US", result, singleton0);

    // register a new object with the more specific locale
    // search for an object with that locale
    // should return the new object
    Integer singleton1 = new Integer(1);
    service.registerObject(singleton1, "en_US_FOO");
    result = service.get("en_US_FOO");
    confirmIdentical("2) en_US_FOO -> en_US_FOO", result, singleton1);

    // search for an object that falls back to the first registered locale
    result = service.get("en_US_BAR");
    confirmIdentical("3) en_US_BAR -> en_US", result, singleton0);

    // get a list of the factories, should be two
    List factories = service.factories();
    confirmIdentical("4) factory size", factories.size(), 2);

    // register a new object with yet another locale
    // original factory list is unchanged
    Integer singleton2 = new Integer(2);
    service.registerObject(singleton2, "en");
    confirmIdentical("5) factory size", factories.size(), 2);

    // search for an object with the new locale
    // stack of factories is now en, en_US_FOO, en_US
    // search for en_US should still find en_US object
    result = service.get("en_US_BAR");
    confirmIdentical("6) en_US_BAR -> en_US", result, singleton0);

    // register a new object with an old id, should hide earlier factory using this id, but leave it there
    Integer singleton3 = new Integer(3);
    service.registerObject(singleton3, "en_US");
    factories = service.factories();
    confirmIdentical("9) factory size", factories.size(), 4);

    // should get data from that new factory
    result = service.get("en_US_BAR");
    confirmIdentical("10) en_US_BAR -> (3)", result, singleton3);

    // remove new factory
    // should have fewer factories again
    factories = service.factories();
    confirmIdentical("11) factory size", factories.size(), 3);

    // should get original data again after remove factory
    result = service.get("en_US_BAR");
    confirmIdentical("12) en_US_BAR -> 0", result, singleton0);

    // shouldn't find unregistered ids
    result = service.get("foo");
    confirmIdentical("13) foo -> null", result, null);

    // should find non-canonical strings
    String[] resultID = new String[1];
    result = service.get("EN_us_fOo", resultID);
    confirmEqual("14) find non-canonical", resultID[0], "en_US_FOO");

    // should be able to register non-canonical strings and get them canonicalized
    service.registerObject(singleton3, "eN_ca_dUde");
    result = service.get("En_Ca_DuDe", resultID);
    confirmEqual("15) register non-canonical", resultID[0], "en_CA_DUDE");

    // should be able to register invisible factories, these will not
    // be visible by default, but if you know the secret password you
    // can still access these services...
    Integer singleton4 = new Integer(4);
    service.registerObject(singleton4, "en_US_BAR", false);
    result = service.get("en_US_BAR");
    confirmIdentical("17) get invisible", result, singleton4);

    // should not be able to locate invisible services
    Set ids = service.getVisibleIDs();
    confirmBoolean("18) find invisible", !ids.contains("en_US_BAR"));

    // an anonymous factory than handles all ids
        Factory factory = new Factory() {
            public Object create(Key key, ICUService unusedService) {
                return new ULocale(key.currentID());

            public void updateVisibleIDs(Map unusedResult) {

            public String getDisplayName(String id, ULocale l) {
                return null;

        // anonymous factory will still handle the id
        result = service.get(ULocale.US.toString());
        confirmEqual("21) locale", result, ULocale.US);

        // still normalizes id
        result = service.get("EN_US_BAR");
        confirmEqual("22) locale", result, new ULocale("en_US_BAR"));

        // we can override for particular ids
        service.registerObject(singleton3, "en_US_BAR");
        result = service.get("en_US_BAR");
        confirmIdentical("23) override super", result, singleton3);


    // empty service should not recognize anything
    result = service.get("en_US");
    confirmIdentical("24) empty", result, null);

    // create a custom multiple key factory
        String[] xids = { "en_US_VALLEY_GIRL",
        service.registerFactory(new TestLocaleKeyFactory(xids, "Later"));

    // iterate over the visual ids returned by the multiple factory
        Set vids = service.getVisibleIDs();
        Iterator iter = vids.iterator();
        int count = 0;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
                String id = (String);
        logln("  " + id + " --> " + service.get(id));
        // four visible ids
        confirmIdentical("25) visible ids", count, 4);

    // iterate over the display names
        Map dids = getDisplayNames(service, ULocale.GERMANY);
        Iterator iter = dids.entrySet().iterator();
        int count = 0;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Entry e = (Entry);
        logln("  " + e.getKey() + " -- > " + e.getValue());
        // four display names, in german
        confirmIdentical("26) display names", count, 4);

    // no valid display name
    confirmIdentical("27) get display name", service.getDisplayName("en_US_VALLEY_GEEK"), null);

        String name = service.getDisplayName("en_US_SURFER_DUDE", ULocale.US);
        confirmEqual("28) get display name", name, "English (United States, SURFER_DUDE)");

    // register another multiple factory
        String[] xids = {
        service.registerFactory(new TestLocaleKeyFactory(xids, "Rad dude"));

    // this time, we have seven display names
        // Rad dude's surfer gal 'replaces' later's surfer gal
        Map dids = getDisplayNames(service);
        Iterator iter = dids.entrySet().iterator();
        int count = 0;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Entry e = (Entry);
        logln("  " + e.getKey() + " --> " + e.getValue());
        // seven display names, in spanish
        confirmIdentical("29) display names", count, 7);

    // we should get the display name corresponding to the actual id
    // returned by the id we used.
        String[] actualID = new String[1];
        String id = "en_us_surfer_gal";
        String gal = (String)service.get(id, actualID);
        if (gal != null) {
                logln("actual id: " + actualID[0]);
        String displayName = service.getDisplayName(actualID[0], ULocale.US);
        logln("found actual: " + gal + " with display name: " + displayName);
        confirmBoolean("30) found display name for actual", displayName != null);

        displayName = service.getDisplayName(id, ULocale.US);
        logln("found query: " + gal + " with display name: " + displayName);
        // this is no longer a bug, we want to return display names for anything
        // that a factory handles.  since we handle it, we should return a display
        // name.  see jb3549
        // confirmBoolean("31) found display name for query", displayName == null);
        } else {
        errln("30) service could not find entry for " + id);

            // this should be handled by the 'dude' factory, since it overrides en_US_SURFER.
        id = "en_US_SURFER_BOZO";
        String bozo = (String)service.get(id, actualID);
        if (bozo != null) {
        String displayName = service.getDisplayName(actualID[0], ULocale.US);
        logln("found actual: " + bozo + " with display name: " + displayName);
        confirmBoolean("32) found display name for actual", displayName != null);

        displayName = service.getDisplayName(id, ULocale.US);
        logln("found actual: " + bozo + " with display name: " + displayName);
        // see above and jb3549
        // confirmBoolean("33) found display name for query", displayName == null);
        } else {
        errln("32) service could not find entry for " + id);

            confirmBoolean("34) is default ", !service.isDefault());

      // disallow hiding for now

      // hiding factory should obscure 'sublocales'
      String[] xids = {
      "en_US_VALLEY", "en_US_SILICON"
      service.registerFactory(new TestHidingFactory(xids, "hiding"));

      Map dids = service.getDisplayNames();
      Iterator iter = dids.entrySet().iterator();
      int count = 0;
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
      Entry e = (Entry);
      logln("  " + e.getKey() + " -- > " + e.getValue());
      confirmIdentical("35) hiding factory", count, 5);

        Set xids = service.getVisibleIDs();
        Iterator iter = xids.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
        String xid = (String);
        logln(xid + "?  " + service.get(xid));

        logln("valleygirl?  " + service.get("en_US_VALLEY_GIRL"));
        logln("valleyboy?   " + service.get("en_US_VALLEY_BOY"));
        logln("valleydude?  " + service.get("en_US_VALLEY_DUDE"));
        logln("surfergirl?  " + service.get("en_US_SURFER_GIRL"));

    // resource bundle factory.
    service.registerFactory(new ICUResourceBundleFactory());

    // list all of the resources
            logln("all visible ids: " + service.getVisibleIDs());
          Set xids = service.getVisibleIDs();
          StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("{");
          boolean notfirst = false;
          Iterator iter = xids.iterator();
          while (iter.hasNext()) {
          String xid = (String);
          if (notfirst) {
          buf.append(", ");
          } else {
          notfirst = true;

        // list only the resources for es, default locale
        // since we're using the default Key, only "es" is matched
            logln("visible ids for es locale: " + service.getVisibleIDs("es"));

        // list only the spanish display names for es, spanish collation order
        // since we're using the default Key, only "es" is matched
            logln("display names: " + getDisplayNames(service, new ULocale("es"), "es"));

        // list the display names in reverse order
            logln("display names in reverse order: " +
                  service.getDisplayNames(ULocale.US, new Comparator() {
                          public int compare(Object lhs, Object rhs) {
                              return, (String)rhs);

    // get all the display names of these resources
    // this should be fast since the display names were cached.
            logln("service display names for de_DE");
        Map names = getDisplayNames(service, new ULocale("de_DE"));
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("{");
        Iterator iter = names.entrySet().iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
        Entry e = (Entry);
        String name = (String)e.getKey();
        String id = (String)e.getValue();
        buf.append("\n   " + name + " --> " + id);

        CalifornioLanguageFactory califactory = new CalifornioLanguageFactory();
    // get all the display names of these resources
            logln("californio language factory");
        StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("{");
            String[] idNames = {
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    public void TestWrapFactory() {
        final String greeting = "Hello There";
        final String greetingID = "greeting";

        ICUService service = new ICUService("wrap");
        service.registerObject(greeting, greetingID);

        logln("test one: " + service.get(greetingID));

        class WrapFactory implements Factory {
            public Object create(Key key, ICUService serviceArg) {
                if (key.currentID().equals(greetingID)) {
                    Object previous = serviceArg.getKey(key, null, this);
                    return "A different greeting: \"" + previous + "\"";
                return null;

            public void updateVisibleIDs(Map result) {
                result.put("greeting", this);

            public String getDisplayName(String id, ULocale locale) {
                return "wrap '" + id + "'";
        service.registerFactory(new WrapFactory());

        confirmEqual("wrap test: ", service.get(greetingID), "A different greeting: \"" + greeting + "\"");
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        errln("threw wrong exception" + e);
    logln(sf.getDisplayName("object", null));

    // ICUService
    ICUService service = new ICUService();

    try {
        service.get(null, null);
        errln("didn't throw exception");
    catch (NullPointerException e) {
        logln("OK: " + e.getMessage());
      catch (Exception e) {
      errln("threw wrong exception" + e);
    try {
        errln("didn't throw exception");
    catch (NullPointerException e) {
        logln("OK: " + e.getMessage());
    catch (Exception e) {
        errln("threw wrong exception" + e);

    try {
        errln("didn't throw exception");
    catch (NullPointerException e) {
        logln("OK: " + e.getMessage());
    catch (Exception e) {
        errln("threw wrong exception" + e);

    logln("object is: " + service.get("object"));

    logln("stats: " + service.stats());

    // ICURWLock

    ICURWLock rwlock = new ICURWLock();
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Related Classes of$SimpleFactory

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