if(null == object)
object = Class.forName (className);
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
throw new BSFException(1, "unable to load class '" +
className + "'", e);
if((null != m_cachedMethods) && !isNew && (null != object))
Method thisMethod = (Method)m_cachedMethods.get(methodKey);
if(null != thisMethod)
return thisMethod.invoke (object, methodArgs);
catch(Exception e)
// try again below...
// determine the argument types as they are given
Class[] argTypes = null;
if (methodArgs != null)
argTypes = new Class[methodArgs.length];
for (int i = 0; i < argTypes.length; i++)
argTypes[i] = (methodArgs[i]!=null) ? methodArgs[i].getClass() : null;
// try to find the method and run it, taking into account the special
// type conversions we want. If an arg is a Double, we first try with
// double and then with Double. Same for Boolean/boolean. This is done
// wholesale tho - that is, if there are two Double args both are
// tried double first and then Double.
boolean done = false;
boolean toggled = false;
while (!done)
if (methodArgs == null)
done = true; // nothing to retry - do as-is or give up
if (!toggled)
for (int i = 0; i < argTypes.length; i++)
Class cl = argTypes[i];
if (cl != null)
if (cl == Double.class)
cl = double.class;
if (cl == Float.class)
cl = float.class;
else if (cl == Boolean.class)
cl = boolean.class;
else if (cl == Byte.class)
cl = byte.class;
else if (cl == Character.class)
cl = char.class;
else if (cl == Short.class)
cl = short.class;
else if (cl == Integer.class)
cl = int.class;
else if (cl == Long.class)
cl = long.class;
argTypes[i] = cl;
toggled = true;
for (int i = 0; i < argTypes.length; i++)
Class cl = argTypes[i];
if (cl != null)
if (cl == double.class)
cl = Double.class;
if (cl == float.class)
cl = Float.class;
else if (cl == boolean.class)
cl = Boolean.class;
else if (cl == byte.class)
cl = Byte.class;
else if (cl == char.class)
cl = Character.class;
else if (cl == short.class)
cl = Short.class;
else if (cl == int.class)
cl = Integer.class;
else if (cl == long.class)
cl = Long.class;
argTypes[i] = cl;
done = true;
// now find method with the right signature, call it and return result.
if (isNew)
// if its a "new" call then need to find and invoke a constructor
// otherwise find and invoke the appropriate method. The method
// searching logic is the same of course.
Constructor c =
ReflectionUtils.getConstructor ((Class) object, argTypes);
Object obj = c.newInstance (methodArgs);
return obj;
Method m = ReflectionUtils.getMethod (object, method, argTypes);
Object returnObj = m.invoke (object, methodArgs);
if(null == m_cachedMethods)
m_cachedMethods = new Hashtable();
m_cachedMethods.put(methodKey, m);
return returnObj;
catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
// ignore if not done looking
if (done)
throw e;
catch (Exception e)
Throwable t = (e instanceof InvocationTargetException) ?
((InvocationTargetException)e).getTargetException () :
throw new BSFException (BSFException.REASON_OTHER_ERROR,
"method call/new failed: " + e +
((t==null)?"":(" target exception: "+t)), t);
// should not get here
return null;