SqlNode sn_a = join.getLeft() ;
SqlNode sn_b = right.getLeft() ;
SqlNode sn_c = right.getRight() ;
SqlExprList conditions = new SqlExprList(join.getConditions()) ;
conditions.addAll(right.getConditions()) ;
Set<SqlTable> tables_ab = sn_a.tablesInvolved() ;
tables_ab.addAll(sn_b.tablesInvolved()) ;
SqlExprList newCond_ab = new SqlExprList() ; // Goes to new join(A,B)
SqlExprList newCond_c = new SqlExprList() ; // Goes to new join(,C)
// Place conditions
for ( SqlExpr e : conditions )
Set<SqlColumn> cols = e.getColumnsNeeded() ;
// columns to tables.
Set<SqlTable> tables = tables(cols) ;
// Are the tables contained in tables_ab?
tables.removeAll(tables_ab) ;
if ( tables.size() == 0 )
newCond_ab.add(e) ;
newCond_c.add(e) ;
if ( newCond_ab.size()+newCond_c.size() != conditions.size() )
log.error(String.format("Conditions mismatch: (%d,%d,%d)",
newCond_ab.size(), newCond_c.size(), conditions.size())) ;
SqlJoinInner join2 = new SqlJoinInner(sn_a, sn_b) ;
join2.addConditions(newCond_ab) ;
join2 = new SqlJoinInner(join2, sn_c) ;