
Examples of

        HazelcastInstance newPrimary = null;
        IMap<String, TempData> map = instance1.getMap("test");
        map.put("a", new TempData("foo", "bar"));
        map.put("b", new TempData("foo", "bar"));
        map.executeOnKeys(map.keySet(), new DeleteEntryProcessor());
        // Now the entry has been removed from the primary store but not the backup.
        // Let's kill the primary and execute the logging processor again...
        String a_member_uiid = instance1.getPartitionService().getPartition("a").getOwner().getUuid();

        if (a_member_uiid.equals(instance1.getCluster().getLocalMember().getUuid())) {
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        IMap<String, TempData> map = instance1.getMap("test");
        HazelcastInstance newPrimary = null;
        map.put("a", new TempData("foo", "bar"));
        map.put("b", new TempData("abc", "123"));
        map.executeOnKeys(map.keySet(), new DeleteEntryProcessor());
        // Now the entry has been removed from the primary store but not the backup.
        // Let's kill the primary and execute the logging processor again...
        String a_member_uiid = instance1.getPartitionService().getPartition("a").getOwner().getUuid();
        if (a_member_uiid.equals(instance1.getCluster().getLocalMember().getUuid())) {
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        HazelcastInstance instance2 = nodeFactory.newHazelcastInstance(cfg);
        IMap<String, TempData> map = instance1.getMap("test");
        try {
            map.put("a", new TempData("foo", "bar"));
            map.executeOnEntries(new LoggingEntryProcessor(), Predicates.equal("attr1", "foo"));
            map.executeOnEntries(new DeleteEntryProcessor(), Predicates.equal("attr1", "foo"));
            // Now the entry has been removed from the primary store but not the backup.
            // Let's kill the primary and execute the logging processor again...
            String a_member_uiid = instance1.getPartitionService().getPartition("a").getOwner().getUuid();
            HazelcastInstance newPrimary;
            if (a_member_uiid.equals(instance1.getCluster().getLocalMember().getUuid())) {
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        HazelcastInstance instance2 = nodeFactory.newHazelcastInstance(cfg);
        IMap<String, TempData> map = instance1.getMap("test");
        try {
            map.put("a", new TempData("foo", "bar"));
            map.executeOnKey("a", new LoggingEntryProcessor());
            map.executeOnKey("a", new DeleteEntryProcessor());
            // Now the entry has been removed from the primary store but not the backup.
            // Let's kill the primary and execute the logging processor again...
            String a_member_uiid = instance1.getPartitionService().getPartition("a").getOwner().getUuid();
            HazelcastInstance newPrimary;
            if (a_member_uiid.equals(instance1.getCluster().getLocalMember().getUuid())) {
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